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Valentina Saltane

  • Manager, Subnational Business Ready
Valentina Saltane is the manager of the Subnational B-READY unit. Prior to that, Saltane was a Senior Private Sector Development Specialist at DECIG, where she worked for the Business Ready (B-READY) project in a supervisory role. Over the past ten years, Saltane has managed several projects at both the World Bank and IFC, including Actionable Regulatory Indicators in the European Union, Migration and the Law, Global Indicators of Regulatory Governance, Doing Business in Agriculture, Open Government Project, Market Assessments under AIMM, and Capital Markets Indicators. In addition, she coauthored three Access to Finance reports, an Open Governance Partnership report, Sweden’s Business Climate report, the Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy report series, and seven research papers in the areas of access to finance, business regulation, and capital markets. Before joining the World Bank Group, Saltane worked at the Law and Economic Consulting Group (LECG) in New York City, and prior to that she served as a program coordinator at the World Resources Institute in Washington, DC. Saltane holds a bachelor’s degree in economic development and international studies from Colby College and an MPA with a concentration in economic development from the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs. She is fluent in Latvian, Russian, and Spanish, proficient in French and German, and studies Arabic.
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Guiding local reforms for private sector growth