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Project Milestones


Development of B-READY Project

The first three-year cycle of B-READY 2024 is serving as the project’s rollout phase, during which time its methodology will be refined from year to year. Throughout this phase, data collection and feedback from experts and users may uncover practical challenges, inconsistencies, or other methodological issues that become evident only after data collection and analysis. The methodology will then be improved to enhance its accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness. After completing the first round of data collection in 2024, the B-READY team carefully reviewed the data and implemented some changes to the indicators of the B-READY topics. These changes include, among others, adding new indicators considering their relevance, as well as dropping some categories and subcategories due to low data variation, low informed response rate, interpretation issues, and redundancy of indicators and questions. 

The first three editions of the B-READY report will gradually expand to cover about 180 economies worldwide. The below visual presents project milestones throughout the testing phase and a three-year development process, gradually establishing into the annual report.



Read the B-READY Manual and Guide

Read the B-READY Methodology Handbook

Read the Concept Note*


*At the time of the publication of the pre-Concept Note, the Public Consultations: Consolidated Comments, and the Concept Note, this project was temporarily named with the working title Business Enabling Environment (BEE).

Additional Information



Director, Global Indicators Group


Manager, Business Enabling Environment, Global Indicators Group


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