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B-READY 2024 report

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The World Bank


The World Bank Group's Business Ready (B-READY) 2024 report introduces a rich dataset that benchmarks the business environment in 50 economies.

The methodology is built on three pillars—Regulatory Framework, Public Services, and Operational Efficiency—and further detailed into 10 topics relevant for the business environment. These topics include Business Entry, Business Location, Utility Services, Labor, Financial Services, International Trade, Taxation, Dispute Resolution, Market Competition, and Business Insolvency.

The report categorizes economies into groups and compares performance not only at the pillar level but also at the topic level, providing a granular view of where economies stand and where they can improve.

The report reveals that good business environments are not confined to high-income countries, with several low- and middle-income economies performing well in key areas. It also identifies a "public services gap," where the provision of public services does not match the quality of regulations, and it highlights the resilience of firms in adapting to challenging conditions.

The report includes cross-cutting themes of digital adoption, environmental sustainability, and gender, noting the need for better data and targeted support for women entrepreneurs, as well as a broader implementation of environmental sustainability regulations and practices.

Looking forward, B-READY plans to refine its methodology and improve data collection processes, with a continued commitment to transparency and stakeholder engagement. The 2025 report will reflect these updates, and B-READY will continue to provide resources and opportunities for knowledge sharing among governments, civil society, and the private sector.

Key Findings of B-READY 2024

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Director, Global Indicators Group


Manager, Business Enabling Environment, Global Indicators Group


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