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Inés Zabalbeitia Múgica

  • Regulatory Specialist, Subnational Business Ready
Inés Zabalbeitia Múgica, a Spanish national, joined the World Bank Group in 2012. Zabalbeitia is a Regulatory Specialist working on subnational business climate assessment projects. Prior to her work with the Subnational B-READY unit, she led the Business Entry topic of the newly created Business Ready report, working on the design and implementation of indicators on business start-up laws, incorporation-related services, and efficiency of the entry process. She previously led the Trading across Borders indicator within the Doing Business project. Prior to this, Zabalbeitia worked in private sector development at the Investment Climate Advisory Services Department of the World Bank Group and at the Economic Office of the Spanish Embassy in the United States. Zabalbeitia holds an MBA from the International University Menéndez Pelayo and a licentiate degree in business management from the University of the Basque Country and the Catholic University of Leuven. She speaks Spanish.
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Guiding local reforms for private sector growth