Development Research Group
Publication Highlights
Dec 31, 2024
Trade Watch Series: Trade Expands Amid Expectations of Higher Tariffs
Global goods trade accelerated in the five months from July through November amid strong US economic growth and a spurt in demand fueled by expectations of higher import tariffs. Trade in services, which is reported with ...
Aug 27, 2024
Refugees and Humanitarian Aid: The Rohingya Impact on Bangladesh’s Development
This study examines the broad socioeconomic impacts of hosting the displaced Rohingya population on their surrounding communities in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
Apr 22, 2024
Land Policies for Resilient and Equitable Growth in Africa
Land institutions and policies will be critical to help African countries respond to the challenges of climate change, urban expansion, structural transformation, and gender equality. Yet, many African land registries ...
The Seasonality of ConflictJanuary 2025, Conflict Management and Peace Science
How to Improve Education Outcomes Most Efficiently? A Review of the Evidence Using a Unified MetricJanuary 2025, Journal of Development Economics
How Accurate Is a Poverty Map Based on Remote Sensing Data? An Application to MalawiOctober 2024, Journal of Development Economics
In someone else’s shoes: Reducing prejudice through perspective takingSeptember 2024, Journal of Development Economics
Export-Led Industrial Policy for Developing Countries: Is There a Way to Pick Winners?Fall 2024, Journal of Economic Perspectives
Global Bank Lending Under Climate PolicyJune 2024, IMF Economic Review
Policy Research Reports
Policy Research Reports (PRRs) bring to a broad audience the results of research on development policy issues carried out by staff of the World Bank's Development Research Group. The web site contains links to websites for several published PRRs, with information about the report and authors.
Global Financial Development Reports
Global Financial Development Reports (GFDRs) provide a unique contribution to financial sector policy debates, building on novel data, surveys, research, and wide-ranging country experience, with emphasis on emerging markets and developing economies.
World Development Reports
This annual report provides a wide international readership with an extraordinary window on a specific aspect of development. The web site provides links to detailed information on each report about the theme, authors, and online consultations. You can also view/download full text, overviews, background papers, and access media resources or purchase the reports.
Research at Work
These reports on the World Bank research program focus on the impact of research on development thinking, how the research is perceived and used within and outside the World Bank, and the contributions of research to the development and improvement of data and analytical tools.
Research Newsletter
A summary of the latest research on a key theme in development, plus updates on our upcoming events, blogs, publications, and other new content.
Trade Watch
Trade Watch provides up-to-date data from an array of sources, along with analysis of recent trade developments. The newsletter is a joint product of the Trade and International Integration Unit in the Development Research Group and the Trade Unit in the Trade, Investment, and Competition (TIC) department of the World Bank.
Interest Bearing Notes
Interest Bearing Notes is a product of the Finance and Private Sector Research Team in the Development Research Group. It reports on research by the Team, as well as non-World Bank research, conferences, related websites, new data sets, and other research and policy-oriented news.
The World Bank Research Observer
The World Bank Research Observer seeks to inform nonspecialist readers about research being undertaken within the Bank and outside the Bank in areas of economics relevant for development policy.
The World Bank Economic Review
The World Bank Economic Review encourages and supports research in the field of development economics. It is intended for economists and other social scientists in government, business, international agencies, universities and research institutions.
Finance and Private Sector Impact Evaluation Policy Notes
Impact evaluation policy notes provide 2-page summaries of efforts to evaluate the impacts of finance and private sector policies.
About the Policy Research Working Paper Series
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues.
Reproducible Research Repository
The Reproducible Research Repository is a one-stop shop for reproducibility packages associated with World Bank research. The catalogued packages provide the analytical scripts, documentation, and, where possible, the data needed to reproduce the results in the associated paper.
Research Compilations
These documents compile all the scholarly output (working papers, journal articles, books, edited volumes, and other peer-reviewed outputs) by researchers from the World Bank's Development Research Group by fiscal year:
Fiscal Year 2024 | Fiscal Year 2023 | Fiscal Year 2022 | Fiscal Years 2020-2021
Thematic Research Roundups