Located within the Development Economics Vice Presidency, the Development Research Group is the World Bank's principal research department. With its cross-cutting expertise on a broad range of topics and countries, the department is one of the most influential centers of development research in the world.
The Development Research Group at a Glance
What's New
The 11th Conference of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) will take place in Washington, DC from July 9 to July 11, 2025 with keynote speakers Daron Acemoglu, Garance Genicot, Debra Ray, and Nora Lustig.
The ECINEQ conference provides an important international forum for researchers whose work focuses on economic inequality and related fields, bringing together a comprehensive exchange of perspectives. A call for papers is open until February 15, 2025.
Sub-Saharan Africa has shown significant growth in financial inclusion over the past decade, driven by mobile money account adoption as well as by efforts by governments and financial institutions to promote bank account opening. In a recent series of notes, the Global Findex team explores the data on financial inclusion and usage in Sub-Saharan Africa, and how having an account affects wellbeing and resilience for African adults.
Government procurement is big business, typically accounting for 10 to 20 percent of annual GDP depending on the country and year. Policymakers often view procurement systems as a powerful industrial policy tool to achieve macroeconomic policy objectives, but tools to evaluate these policies are limited. Join us on January 28 as World Bank economist Manuel García-Santana shares new insights from economic research to address this pressing question.
To mark the International Day of Education, this edition of Research Insights explores two large-scale reviews of cost-effective strategies to boost learning outcomes and execeptional returns on investments in preprimary education. At the country level, this edition presents two empirical studies from Colombia and Ethiopia which emphasize the relevance of promoting inclusion and addressing the impacts of climate change.
Research Insights aims to bridge the gap between complex research and practical application, fostering informed decision-making and effective policy design.