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Development Research Group

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Research Initiatives

AI and Digital Development (AI/DD)

AI and Digital Development (AI/DD)

Business Dynamism in MICs

Business Dynamism in MICs

Center for Research on Women and Jobs

Center for Research on Women and Jobs

Chile Research and Development Center

Chile Research and Development Center





Energy in Africa

Energy in Africa

Global Findex Database

Global Findex Database

The Long Term Growth

The Long-Term Growth Model

Trade Fragmentation

Trade Fragmentation

AI and Digital Development


The AI and Digital Development (AI/DD) Research Initiative asks, What is the impact of AI and the digital transformation on development, growth, and inclusion in Low- and Middle-Income Country (LMIC) economies?

AI/DD is particularly focused on creating and disseminating high-quality, independent evidence on AI’s effects both on the global economy and on individual outcomes. AI could vastly expand access to knowledge—for students and teachers, health providers and patients, entrepreneurs and farmers—but implications for equity of access, market concentration, and labor demand need to be understood to ensure that AI offers a path to prosperity for all.  

Key questions include whether AI solutions can improve health and education for the poor; how AI will change the markets for skills; and what the impacts of AI are on firm composition, competitiveness, and growth in LMICs. Governments working with the World Bank are particularly interested in learning how to use AI to achieve more efficient and equitable outcomes in domains such as taxation, regulation, and public service provision – without compromising privacy, transparency, or accountability – and how AI solutions can be adapted to contexts with limited data.

Another focus of our work is how mobile money and other fintech innovations affect financial behavior. This includes their impact on resilience, food security, educational attainment, and women’s economic empowerment. This workstream leverages the Global Findex data on the growing use of digital financial services worldwide. Questions include  how increasing women’s use of a digital financial service can enhance their financial control and agency; how digital payments can improve business accounting, cash management, and access to credit; and what the roles of appropriate regulations and consumer protection measures are in mitigating fraud and financial abuse.

News and Events

AI and Digital Development (AI/DD) Brown Bag Lunch: "From Chalkboards to Chatbots: Evaluating the Impact of Generative AI on Learning Outcomes in Nigeria"

 February 18, 2025 -- World Bank experts Martin De SimoneMaría Barron, and Federico Tiberti gave a brown bag talk for the AI and Digital Development research initiative, presenting the main findings of their study 'From Chalkboards to Chatbots: Evaluating the Impact of Generative AI on Learning Outcomes in Nigeria.'  Access the recording here.          

Global Findex Database (DECRG/World Bank and Gallup) receives the “Best Financial Services Research" award

December 2, 2024 -- The Market Research Society (MRS) announced the MRS Awards 2023, where the Global Findex Database (Development Research Group/World Bank and Gallup) received the “Best Financial Services Research” award and was also “Highly Commended” for the Liz Nelson Award for Social Impact, the event’s flagship honor.

Joint initiative between LAC Education and DECRG to support the Regional Directorate of Education in Lima, Peru


November 2024 -- Meeting with government officials from the Dirección Regional de Educación Lima Metropolitana (DRELM) to discuss the implementation and evaluation of an AI training program for teachers. This is a joint initiative between Ezequiel Molina (LAC Education) and Carolina Lopez (Development Research Group).

Resources on Financial Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa

For over a decade, the Global Findex Database, led by Leora Klapper, has been the definitive source for data on global digital financial services usage. A series of “Findex Notes” highlights trends in Sub-Saharan Africa, including the growth of mobile money products, the adoption of digital identification, and the digitization of payments for agricultural sellers. Explore and download the full series on the Global Findex Africa page.

Generative AI: A Technical Tutorial for Economists 

November 26, 2024 -- Robert Pless (George Washington University Computer Science) gave a brown bag talk for AI/DD with an introduction to the technical underpinnings of modern (generative) AI models.

New Forthcoming Research: Evaluating the Impacts of Access to a Digital Jobs Platform and Skills Training on Female Domestic Workers

January 6, 2024 -- S Anukriti's impact evaluation on a digital employment matching app à la Uber for domestic workers in Bangladesh was accepted by the Journal of Development Economics in the pre-results review track.



  • Photo of Miriam Bruhn
    Senior Economist

    Miriam's research focuses on access to finance and MSMEs. Her current work explores credit information viewing through an app, mobile money for rural households, digital screening tools for loan applicants, and the role of small-scale digital credit in supporting entrepreneurs in underserved communities.

  • The World Bank

    Lelys works on research projects that aim to evaluate the potential of using AI applications to target and provide mental health assistance to population affected by displacement, conflict, and violence.

  • Quy-Toan Do, WDR 2023 Co-Director
    Research Economist

    Toan’s research asks whether AI applications in English education can reduce learning poverty and inequality among middle-schoolers in Viet Nam. In mental health, he evaluates the potential of using AI to provide assistance to populations affected by displacement, conflict, and violence.

  • The World Bank
    Lead Economist

    Jed’s research investigates how digital tools can improve the quality of care offered by informal health providers, as well as, more generally, the distinct challenges of evaluating digital and AI-related health interventions in low- and middle-income settings.

  • Photo of Xavier Gine
    Lead Economist

    Xavi's research focuses on digital payments, exploring the quality of financial services provided by agent networks, the impact of taxation of digital transactions, fraud and changes in KYC rules.

  • The World Bank
    Lead Economist

    Leora leads the Global Findex database, which measures the adoption and use of digital financial services and connectivity. Her research focuses on fintech innovations and their impact on household welfare and business resilience.

  • Caroline-Lopez
    Research Economist

    Carolina studies the impact of an adaptive learning platform on student learning in the Dominican Rep. She also works with the Regional Directorate of Education in Lima to explore how AI-driven tools can enhance teaching practices and student outcomes.

  • The World Bank
    Lead Economist

    Biju's projects include using AI and visualizations tools to develop systems for citizen engagement for local municipal governance in India and Nepal and developing new AI/NLP tools to analyze qualitative interviews with large representative samples.

  • The World Bank
    Senior Economist

    Claudia’s research examines the impact of credit on firms and individuals. Her current work explores digital screening tools for loan applicants and the role of small-scale digital credit in supporting entrepreneurs in underserved communities.

  • Headshot of Anja Sautmann
    Senior Economist

    Anja's research explores the use of generative AI to support frontline health workers in Nigeria. She also works with the Kenyan Judiciary on how a dynamic learning algorithm can help match mediators to court cases.

  • Mahvish Shaukat DaTax

    Mahvish’s projects in AI and machine learning include understanding the integration of artificial intelligence tools within large organizations such as the World Bank and  testing whether computer vision algorithms can improve property tax assessment and collection in Pakistan.

  • Ruozi Song

    Ruozi’s research leverages big data and machine learning to pinpoint climate-vulnerable regions in Africa with limited local data. She works with African farmers to test AI tools for tailored technical assistance and improved climate resilience.

Individual collaborators

  • Ravi profile
    Chief Innovation Officer at EHA Clinics

    Ravi is the chief innovation officer at EHA Clinics, a startup in Nigeria that blends technology solutions with skilled clinicians to deliver high-quality primary care in the private sector. EHA Clinics is collaborating with Anja Sautmann on an AI project in Nigeria. 

  • Bjorkregen
    Assistant Professor at Columbia University

    Daniel leads the AI and Development initiative at CDEP which incubates projects using technology to better serve the world's poor. 

  • The World Bank
    Senior Economist, Education

    Ezequiel serves as the regional focal point for Teachers and Educational Technology (EdTech) at the Global Education Department of the World Bank.

Institutional Partners

  • Global Findex 2021 Database
    The Global Findex Database, World Bank

    Since 2011, the Global Findex Database has been the definitive source of data on global access to financial services from payments to savings and borrowing.

    Lima, Peru

    DRELM ensures the provision of quality education with equity; it oversees and supervises the implementation of educational policies and regulations, promoting the holistic development of students.

Contact & Email Announcements

If you are interested in exploring opportunities to collaborate with us, please contact us at the following email address:

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