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Short Term Assignment - Return (with no work location changes or STA initiated prior to January 1, 2016)


This checklist provides information on how to return from a Short Term Assignment (STA):

  • within a country office (CO) or HQ with no work location changes.
  • initiated prior to January 1, 2016.

An STA refers to the allocation of eligible staff to another organizational unit or work location for a period ranging from 90 calendar days to 12 months. An additional 12 months may be granted by the releasing manager or his/her designee.

Staff must hold a regular, local regular, open, and term appointment to qualify for an STA.

For a return from STA (from HQ to CO, CO to CO, or CO to HQ) on or after January 1, 2016, refer to the Short Term Assignment - Return (with work location changes) checklist.

For considerations relating to G4 visa holders, refer to Absence from the U.S.

It is mandatory to initiate an ‘STA-Return’ action upon return from the assignment following the actions outlined below.




Action by Manager


Submit the 'Short Term Assignment – Return' action in myHR Self-Service. A Personnel Action Form (PAF) is generated automatically to update HR records.