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Retiree MIP—Registering a Domestic Partner

This page provides information on registering a domestic partner for the Medical Insurance Plan (MIP).

To register a domestic partner, a staff member must complete Form 2330 and submit it to HR Operations with associated documentation. HR Operations must receive the form and documentation within 60 days of the 12-month anniversary of co-habitation. HR Operations then evaluates the application against their criteria as listed in Form 2330.

Documentation of co-habitation and financial interdependence is required to support the domestic partnership. Submit one or more documents from the list showing joint financial commitment for at least 12 months prior to your domestic partnership application. Documents required are listed below:

  • Joint property titles or mortgage showing both partners' names
  • Voter registration cards of both partners
  • Driving licenses of both partners
  • Birth certificate of both partners
  • Passport page showing name, nationality, and date of birth of domestic partner, if s/he is not a current or former World Bank Group staff member. Otherwise, list the UPI of the partner
  • Evidence of joint bank accounts
  • Evidence of common household expenses, for example, utility bills such as phone and electricity
  • Execution of wills naming each other as executor and/or beneficiary


In cases where none of the documents referenced above are available, or in situations where cohabitation has not been possible, a staff member may present other evidence that, in his/her mind, establishes proof of the couple’s domestic partnership, for example: affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties having personal knowledge of the bona fides of the domestic partnership; letters; photographs; telephone records; email trails.

These cases will be escalated to the HR Operations Manager or a designated official for review and decisions. In consultation with the Bank Group’s Legal Department, the HR Operations Manager or designated official may, at his/her discretion, decide to accept the evidence presented in lieu of the documents referenced above.


In case of conflict between this guidance and the applicable staff rule, the staff rule prevails.