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The World Bank
1818 H Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20433

Request or Renew Employment Authorization Card


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Effective February 7, 2025, the Department of State’s Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) will only accept Employment Authorization Documents (EAD) applications from foreign missions electronically via the Department’s eGov system. Paper submissions will no longer be accepted as of Friday, February 7, 2025.  You are no longer required to bring hard copies of your documents to HR Operations.


This checklist summarizes the steps to request or renew a dependent Employment Authorization Card (EAC). The EAC is required for all paid or unpaid  jobs and unpaid educational internships in the U.S., including international organizations, embassies, and non-profit organizations.

Review EAC process steps and common errors two-pager here.

To initiate the work permit application request via MyHR Self-Service (MyHRSS) you must have all the required electronic documents noted below completed and ready to be uploaded. Please save documents using the following naming convention: DOCUMENT TYPE-LAST NAME-GIVEN NAME.  

Work permit requirements are subject to frequent changes as mandated by the State Department/USCIS. 

Updates will be posted here as they are provided by the State Department/USCIS. Once documents are uploaded via MyHR Self-Service and submitted to HR Operations, please make a document review appointment via the Appointment Scheduler to review necessary changes to EAC application package.

Dependent spouses with an EAC who are working for the WBG as short-term consultants (STC) and transition to  an Extended Term Consultant (ETC) or Term Staff contract must obtain a principal G-4 visa.

Dependent spouses must have a valid EAC if applying for the change of visa from dependent to principal inside the U.S. Without a valid EAC, dependent spouses must obtain a principal G-4 visa at a U.S. Embassy abroad.

NOTE: Dependents on EAC are required to file 1040-NR. Filing 1040 will result in delays in the renewal process.

STT/STC Dependent Eligibility

Dependent spouses and children of short-term consultants (STC) may be eligible for an EAC to work in the U.S. If issued, an EAC will only be valid until the end of the current STC contract or until the principal STC exhausts all available days resulting in PID deregistration. The STC must meet the following requirements to request a G-4 dependent EAC for a spouse or child.

  • Completed PID registration with U.S. State Department as full-time STC. (see STC Compliance)
  • Have at least 6 months remaining on current G-4 visa, passport, and ST employment contract.
  • Have at least 100 unbilled days remaining on ST contract at time of submission of EAC application to the U.S. State Department.

EAC Expiration Dates:

  • For spouses, the EAC is usually valid for up to three years or until the end of the staff member's contract with the Bank Group, whichever comes first.
  • For children, the validity period varies based on age and full-time student status.
  • If the Bank Group staff member terminates employment, the validity of the work authorization ceases immediately, with no grace period, even if the EAC card shows a later expiration date.

Note: EACs are not available to dependents of U.S. Permanent Resident staff members, domestic partners, or children of domestic partners who are not legally adopted by the staff member.

Please do not submit a change of address in the system while your request is still with the State Department/USCIS, as it will delay the process.


Spouses and/or children of HQ assigned World Bank Group employees, who hold a dependent G-4 visa, may be eligible to work in the U.S. However, before such work can begin, dependents must obtain an EAC from U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS). Please note that if the employer is outside the Washington metropolitan area, the work must be 100% remote/home based work from the DMV area residence.

An individual may be eligible to apply if the:

  • Principal staff member is employed by the Bank Group in the U.S. and holds a valid G-4 principal visa. Dependents with a G-4 visa of staff who are recorded as U.S. Permanent residents are not eligible for a dependent work permit.
  • Dependent spouse or child aged 16-23 years of age holds a valid dependent G-4 visa.
  • Principal staff member's HQ assignment is expected to last more than six months from the date the application is submitted to the State Department. Short-term consultants/temporaries (STC/STTs) registered with the State Department as Full Time must have a minimum of 100 unbilled days (800 hours) left in the current employment contract.
  • Applicant lives in the same household as the staff member and has been recorded with State Department as a member of household. Dependent children up to age 23 who attend secondary school in the U.S. during the academic year are considered residents in the staff member's household.
  • Applicant is physically in the U.S. at the time of application, as evidenced by a current I-94 available at the I-94 Record of U.S. Entry website

Additional Eligibility Criteria for Dependent Children

  • Dependent children between the age of 21 and 23 must be full-time students in the United States or be recorded with WBG HR as mentally or physically handicapped. The validity of the EAC stops on the 23rd birthday or the termination of full-time academic study, regardless of date printed on EAC.
  • Full-time students must provide evidence of continued full time student status each academic year to remain eligible for a dependent EAC.
  • Students at colleges or universities outside of the United States are not eligible for U.S. employment authorization cards.

For Spouses Already in the U.S. on Non-Immigrant Visas with Work Authorizations

  • With the exception of dependent A type visa holders (A-1/A-2), U.S. immigration regulations require that any individual entitled to a G-4 visa, such as a non-immigrant spouse of a Bank Group staff member holding a G-4 visa, must also be issued a G-4 visa.
  • In practice, this means that a spouse currently working in the U.S. on an H1-B/E-1/F-1-OPT visa or other non- immigrant visas with work authorization must stop working immediately upon appointment of the WBG staff member until a valid G-4 dependent EAC is approved by USCIS, and must not work in the U.S. for the duration of time it takes to change status to a dependent G-4 visa and subsequently obtain a dependent G-4 work authorization. This process can take several months.
  • Prior to accepting an offer from the World Bank Group, incoming staff members should plan carefully with the spouse’s U.S. employer to accommodate the spouse's potential mandatory unpaid leave of absence.
All documents must be saved in the following format [DOCUMENT TYPE-LAST NAME-GIVEN NAME]
Step 1Staff to:
 Confirm the dependent G-4 visa holder has a Personal Identification (PID) number by checking your visa profile in MyHR Self-Service. If you do not have access to this system, email HR Operations If you or your dependent do not currently have a PID number, refer to Register for a Personal Identification (PID) Number.
Step 2Verify the home address recorded by MyHR Self-Service is your current home address
Step 3Gather required documents below for uploading into MyHR Self-Service Work Permit Request:





USCIS Form I-566: 1 PDF copy, signed in blue ink, of the Bank Group version of USCIS Form I-566 Complete electronically and print for signature prior to submitting to myhrss. Do not change any of the pre-filled information.

Note: Do not use the form from the USCIS website.
  • If you hold an open appointment, use your mandatory retirement date as the expected end date of duty
  • If you hold a term appointment, use your end of current term or HQ assignment date as the expected end of duty date
3(b)USCIS Form I-765: 1 PDF copy, signed in blue ink, of the Bank Group version of USCIS Form I-765. Complete electronically and print for signature prior to submitting to myhrss. Do not change or add to any of the pre-filled information.

Note: Do not use the form from the USCIS website. The barcode at the bottom of the page must be visible when printed.

Passport, G-4 Visa, I-94 Record of U.S. Entry: 1 PDF copy of each
of the following for the applicant (G-4 dependent) and staff (G-4 principal)

  • High quality colored PDF copy of the passport bio pages with full name, picture, nationality, date of birth, and passport number. Use the 'photo' setting available on most photocopy machines. Passports must be valid for 6 months from date of application.
  • Colored PDF copy of the latest G-4 visa. Visa must be valid for 6 months from date of application is being submitted to the State Department.
  • PDF Copy of the latest I-94 available at the I-94 Record of U.S. Entry website
3(d)Resume: All applicants must submit 1 PDF copy of their resume. Prior work experience must be relevant to the work that will be performed, and applicants must show completion of education/training requirements related to intended work such as degree, diploma, and training certificates
3(e)Color Photos of Application: Submit digital full color 2x2 JPG photo scanned against a white background at 400 dpi or higher, of the applicant, in accordance with the U.S State Department guidelines, taken within the last 60 days with uniform white background and no shadows cast and not previously used. Vending machine photos are not acceptable.

Employment Offer Letter, Verification of Current Employment, or Self Employment Letter

  • If currently employed: submit 1 digital copy of employment verification letter for dependent’s current employer - in the case of a renewal, submit an offer of continued employment 
  • If Self-Employed or not currently employed: 1 digital copy of a letter containing all the following information. Use this sample letter as a template. Ensure letter is signed by applicant
  • Description of intent to work in a particular field
  • Qualifications for working that particular field
  • Proof of employment in intended field (attach proof of previous employment)
  • Title and anticipated duties as self-employed
  • Consultative fees for service
  • Number of hours per week expected to work
  • Prospective clients (DO NOT mention names of companies and organizations. Keep the list generic such as NGOs, Private Sector, Schools, etc.)
  • The source of advertising the services (digital copy of draft advertisement must be attached to letter)
  • Proof of previous employment in that field will be required. Any document over the period of the applicant's career like an offer letter/employment verification letter/pay slip/ employment exit letter etc. issued by the company can be submitted. If there is no such document available to submit, then a signed to whom it may concern letter from the applicant explaining the same is required.
  • If job offer is pending: submit 1 digital copy of the original offer letter from the prospective employer. The letter must contain all of the following:
  • The organization's offer of employment—
  • Job title and duties
  • The number of hours per week expected to work
  • A statement of qualifications for the job and the reason
  • The salary the organization intends to pay
  • Duties (attach a copy of your job description)

Note: The U.S. Department of State and USCIS require employer drafted and self- employment letters referenced above to contain all of the requested information. EAC applications will be returned if any of the requested information is missing. Ensure you submit a signed version of your employment letter. If applicants wish to seek employment from an organization or company, they must provide a job offer letter. Self-employment letters stating the applicant wishes to seek employment at an organization or company will be returned. Ensure that you submit a signed version of your employment or self-employment letter.



Full-time student dependent children: submit 1 digital copy of the original official school letters from the school registrar on school letterhead containing and certifying the following:

  • Applicant’s a full-time student status
  • list the courses taken
  • list the credit hours carried
  • expected graduation date or timeframe
  • dated in the current academic term
  • signature of school official with title and contact information

Note: Applying for a dependent EAC for the sole purpose of being issued a Social Security Number (SSN) for your child is not permitted. Please contact the local Social Security Office to apply for a SSN separately.


Maryland/Virginia/DC Department of Labor Certificate: If dependent child is under 17 years of age, obtain a minor work permit (child labor certificate) from the respective Department of Labor and provide job offer letter.

3(i)Most Recent EAC: Submit 1 digital color copy of the most recent EAC (front and back) if the applicant is renewing an existing EAC authorization or submitting a new application but held an EAC authorization at any time previously on G4 visa status. If the old EAC is not available, you must submit a letter of explanation as to why it is not available.

State and Federal Income Tax Records (For EAC renewals), include applicant's federal and state tax records for each year covered by the previous EAC. If tax returns are not available because no federal taxes were paid, the applicant must submit 1 copy of a signed and dated letter explaining the absence of tax returns.

If you have filed taxes previously using Form 1040 instead of 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ, the applicant will need to file amended tax returns in order to obtain the correct federal IRS Tax Transcript. Filing or records of filing a 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ, is not acceptable for purposes of an EAC renewal. Please note that if the applicant had filed federal forms other than 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ, the applicant must file amended tax returns (1040NR/1040 NR-EZ). In scenarios where amended tax returns are filed State Department has advised us that the applicant can submit the tax return transcript (indicating amended taxes have been filed as 1040NR/ filed as 1040) and the account transcript that reflects the amended tax processed/filed transaction(s) for that concerned year.

  • 1 Digital Copy of U.S. Federal income Tax Return Transcripts certifying filing of the 1040NR tax documents. A G-4 dependent visa holder is a non-resident for U.S. income tax purposes. To obtain free tax return transcripts please visit You will be required to create an account with the IRS online
    Note: If Federal tax-transcript(s) is/are not available, the State Department will not accept tax forms in lieu of transcripts. In the absence of the Federal tax return transcript please note that IRS has advised the State Department that mailing Form 4506-T will work to obtain a Federal Tax-Transcript.

  • 1 digital copy each of the applicant’s State income tax returns. Sign copies of tax forms in all locations requesting applicants’ signature in blue or black ink to certify original signatures.
    Note: If EAC was issued based on self-employment, but employment was not secured, the applicant must provide a signed letter explaining what efforts were made to secure employment to include evidence of advertisement
Step 4Upload documents into MyHR Self-Service Work Permit Request for HR review and edits. All documents marked with a * are required and all documents must be uploaded at one time. HR will review the submitted documents and return to you any that need edits or additional information.
Step 5Schedule a document review appointment with HR Operations via HR Scheduler, (select Work Permit Document Review at HQ) to have your file reviewed prior to submission. Please do not schedule an appointment prior to five business days after submission of MyHRSS request
Step 6Once the application has been reviewed and designated as a complete EAC package ready for State Department processing, HR signs and stamps page 7 of Form I-566 and sends the final digital package via the State Department’s eGov system.

HR Operations Actions

Step 1

HR confirms the following to the staff member by email:

  • Submission of the staff member’s completed application digital package to the State Department’s eGov system
  • Receipt of transfer from State Department to USCIS and issuance of USCIS LIN Number for tracking final processing
  • Receipt of final EAC card from USCIS, with a scanned copy of the EAC
  • Placement into HR Doculockers for staff member collection

Note: The State Department and USCIS take approximately 8-10 weeks to process EAC applications (new and renewal) and send the dependent's work permit. The Bank Group has no control over the duration of the process. There is no provision for 'urgent' applications and no tracking facility.

Step 2

Once notified of process completion staff will be able to

  • Collect the EAC from HR Operations.
    Note: Retain copies of EAC cards, in case the original is lost or misplaced.
  • Apply for or update the Social Security card if it says 'NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT' at any Social Security Office.
    Note: If you are applying for an Employment Authorization Card for the first time and checked Yes to Question 14 in the I-765 (Do you want the SSA to issue you a Social Security Card?), the Social Security Administration (SSA) will process your Social Security Card application automatically. The approved Social Security Card will be mailed to WB HR Operations within four weeks of the approval of the EAC.HR Operations will notify you when your card is ready for pick-up. Do not apply separately with the SSA.
  • For any other Social Security related questions, please contact a local SSA office. The 1300 D St SW, Washington, D.C. is recommended due to their familiarity with G4 visa.
  • Pay U.S. federal, state, and local—if applicable—income tax on all earnings. Proof of previous tax return is a requirement to renew EAC
    Note: The Bank Group is not able to assist G-4 staff or their dependents with income tax issues or questions, contact a tax professional with questions on filing state or federal income tax return.




Last Updated: Feb 07, 2025