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The World Bank
1818 H Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20433

Requesting A State Department Letter To Support Staff in Obtaining or Renewing The REAL ID (Driver License or Non-Driver ID) in the District of Columbia (DC), Maryland, or Virginia - G4 and G5 Visa Holders


This checklist provides information on obtaining a State Department letter to support a REAL ID (driver license or non-driver ID) for HQ staff, their families, and G5 domestic workers in:


  • HQ assigned staff and dependents (spouse, children 16 years and older, and parents/in-laws) on HQ duty assignments and working in Washington, D.C. or NYC are eligible to apply for a local driver license or non-driver identification card. Non-HQ assigned staff on mission travel less than 90 days are not eligible for a US driver license or non-driver ID.
  • REAL ID SAVE PROCESS: The US Governments REAL ID Driver License or non-driver ID Program requires all states to collect and validate G-4 visa documents when applying for a new or renewed driver license/Non-driver ID. The process is verified through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) SAVE verification system. DHS advises that while the process is often instantaneous at the local Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV/MVD), the process could take up to 10 days to be completed. If applicants are advised that the process is taking longer, DHS has provided  the following SAVE case status web portal: Applicants will receive an email confirming completion of the verification process before returning to the DMV to continue the driver license/non-driver ID application process. Due to possible delays in the process, HR highly encourages applicants to start the driver’ license/non-driver ID application process with the DMV at least two weeks prior to expiration of their current driver license/non-driver ID as the process could take up to two weeks with multiple visits.
  • If applying from the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA), applicants may upload their documents prior to visiting the MVA for preapproval here.
  • The US State Department Non-Eligibility letter is issued with the US residential address on file with them, please ensure that your address is up-to-date with HR in MyHR Self-Service so it can be updated with State Department as needed.
  • Staff on G1 and G4 visas with spouses an A1/A2 (diplomatic) visas for employment at a US Embassy must obtain their diplomatic driver license/non-driver ID (initial or renewal) through their spouse’s embassy
  • G5 visa holders follow the same procedures stated below. While the Bank Group cannot assist in such cases, G4 employers may provide assistance for their G5s.


Checklist of Action by Staff:




Verify your Personal Identification (PID) number on MyHR Self-Service.

If you do not have access to MyHR Self-Service, Write to HR.

Note: Register for a PID number if you currently do not have one.

Staff who have recently returned to the US before applying for a driver license renewal should wait approximately two to three days for the I-94 information to reflect in the USCIS Immigration Service database as the I-94 details are verified by the DMV/MVA.


Request a driver's license or non-driver ID letter via MyHR Self-Service.

Note: The MyHR Self-Service request should be submitted 4-6 weeks prior to the driver's license application.


Receive a driver's license or non-driver ID letter emailed directly from the U.S. State Department.

Note: You will be receiving the letter from the email address:


Carry the documents below to your local DMV/MVD Service Center within one year from the date specified on the State Department's letter, within one year from the date specified on the State Department's letter:

Note: You can use this link to locate other social security offices. Ensure that you take all original documents while visiting the DMV.


Take the required written, driving skills, and vision test tests. For more information, see the individual DMV/MVA websites for details


Obtain temporary driver license/non-driver ID at time of visit, permanent version will be mailed to address submitted when applying.

Note: The DMV will issue or renew licenses to non-immigrant visa holders (including G4s) for a maximum duration of one year regardless of the visa end date.


Update your driver license/non-driver ID expiry date in MyHR Self-Service to automatically start the driver license letter request process approximately 90 days prior to the expiration of your driver license.



If you purchase, lease, or own a car:

a. Obtain a title of ownership for your vehicle.

b. Register it within 30 days of acquisition or your move to Washington, D.C., whichever is later.

c. Conduct annual safety inspection at the at the officially designated Vehicle Inspection Stations

d. Renew license tags annually. DMV/MVAs will send a reminder to renew via the mail.


Last Updated: Mar 18, 2025