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Human Resources


The World Bank
1818 H Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20433

Change Coverage Option During Open Enrollment Season for Medical Benefits Plan (MBP)



This checklist outlines the steps to change coverage option during open enrollment season for medical benefits plan.

Factors to be Noted

  • Each year in November, the Bank Group holds an open enrollment to allow staff to make changes to their medical insurance coverage options.
  • During this period, staff may enroll self and/or eligible family members to the Medical Benefits Plan (MBP), even if an earlier enrollment was waived or denied.
  • All changes apply and will be in effect only from January 1 of the following calendar year.




Action by HR


HR to send an email for open enrollment, with a link to myHR Self-Service (available only on World Bank’s intranet) where staff can request changes to MBP enrollment.


Action by Staff


Staff to enroll the eligible dependents via myHR Self-Service (available only on World Bank’s intranet) if the eligible dependents are already in the household.

Country office (CO) staff who do not have access to myHR Self-Service (available only on World Bank’s intranet) should send a request to HR Operations with the required supporting documents.


Action by HR


HR to perform the following actions:


a)    Review the form for accuracy.

b)    Verify the supporting documents provided for the requested change.

On approval:

  • Enroll the eligible family members in MBP.
  • Send a confirmation email to the staff member on the enrollment.

If rejected, send the staff member an email letting him/her know the reason for the request being rejected.