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LAC Equity Lab: Labor Markets

In the Latin America and the Caribbean region, labor income is the most important component of income among the poor, and continues to be the biggest driver of poverty reduction. This section focuses on three aspects related to the labor market. First, it includes comparative data on the main labor market indicators. Second, it presents data on youth who are neither in school nor employed, a sizeable and particularly vulnerable group. Lastly, it presents a poverty index based on labor force survey data that is collected and disseminated with much higher frequency, and which thus acts as a leading indicator of poverty.

The Labor Markets section of the LAC Equity Lab includes the following data:


Labor Force

Labor market indicators by indicators for poverty and education for LAC countries.


Youth Outcomes (Ninis)

The proportion of youth, by age groups and gender, that is in school, employed (not in school), and not in school or employment (NiNis) by country.


Labor Income Poverty Index (LIPI)

Poverty based on per capita labor income under three different regional poverty lines using labor force surveys. Also inequality based on per capita labor income using the Labor Income Gini Index (LIGI).

Job Quality Index LAC

Job Quality Index (JQI)

Job Quality Index and dimensions by area, gender, age, sector and type of worker for LAC countries.
