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Yemen Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction
Umbrella Trust Fund

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  • Yemen Fund Pillar 1 triangle

Pillar 1:  Inclusive Service Delivery​ and Governance​
Transparent, effective, inclusive, and accountable delivery of basic services and social protection

Objective in the current phase: Enhance government and local institutions knowledge, systems, and capacity for resilient service delivery and future recovery

  • Yemen Fund Pillar 2 triangle

Pillar 2:  Equitable Economic Opportunities ​and Jobs​
Inclusive and enhanced private ​sector and finance resilience ​and revitalization

Objective in the current phase: Strengthen evidence base on, and catalyzed multi-stakeholder partnerships for, private and financial sector development and resilience

  • Yemen Fund Pillar 3 triangle

Pillar 3:  Green Reconstruction​
Building back and forward green and sustainable infrastructure ​and climate resilience

Objective in the current phase: Enhance knowledge and capacity on resilient and efficient green infrastructure and green reconstruction

  • Yemen Fund Pillar 4 triangle

Pillar 4:  Transition and Program Enablers​
Deliver cross-cutting knowledge ​and foundational support for resilience, recovery and reconstruction

Objective in the current phase: Enhance evidence base, FCV sensitivity,​ monitoring and risk management for resilience, recovery and reconstruction

  • Yemen Fund Logo for Webpage

    The Yemen Fund

    The Yemen Fund was established in recognition of the need for a flexible, coordinated response to the fluid situation on the ground in Yemen and the critical importance of early readiness for agile post-conflict turnaround.
