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Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL)

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Knowledge Products

The Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) is spearheading efforts to identify scalable solutions for women’s economic empowerment in Africa to help policymakers and development practitioners to better address gender constraints. To do so, it conducts rigorous impact evaluations to test the effectiveness of interventions at advancing women’s and girl’s empowerment. The Africa Gender Innovation Lab has conducted over 100 impact evaluations in 30 countries to date, with more than 60 currently ongoing.

To meet the needs of a range of audiences, the Gender Innovation Lab packages impact evaluation findings into a variety of knowledge products including policy briefs, research working papers, synthesis reports, and data sets. Learn more about GIL's portfolio of publications by accessing the latest knowledge product by thematic area and by reading our major synthesis reports, highlighted below.

Read our Synthesis Reports:

    Read our Latest Publications by Thematic Area: