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Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL)

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Africa GIL's Work

Our Six Major Thematic Areas

In Sub-Saharan Africa, adolescent girls face a set of unique challenges. Overlapping crises such as climate change, the protracted recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, regional conflicts and global food insecurity exacerbate the inequalities faced by adolescent girls, making them particularly vulnerable in these critical times. With 60 percent of the total population of Africa under the age of 25, empowering adolescent girls is critical to accelerate economic growth and reduce intergenerational poverty.

Key Publications:

GIL Top Policy Lessons on Empowering Adolescent Girls

GIL Top Policy Lessons on Increasing Women’s Youth Employment

Gender and Youth Employment White Paper 

GIL Papers and Briefs on Adolescent Girls Empowerment and Youth Employment 

Across Africa, agriculture is a primary sector of employment—and African women provide about 40% of the agricultural labor across the continent. Yet women farmers face systemic barriers to success, leading to large gender gaps in agricultural productivity. In the face of crises that exacerbate food insecurity, women farmers need targeted support and access to productive inputs that can secure their livelihoods and mitigate existing gender inequalities.

Key Publications:

GIL Top Policy Lessons in Agriculture

Levelling the Field: improving opportunities for women farmers in Africa 

Gender and Agriculture White Paper 

GIL Papers and Briefs on Agriculture 

Steered Away from the Fields: Short-Term Impacts of Oxen on Agricultural Production and Intra-household Labor Supply

Women make up more than half of the total number of entrepreneurs in Africa. Yet, on average, for every dollar of profits men entrepreneurs earn, women entrepreneurs earn 66 cents. Supporting women to grow their firms would translate into higher economic growth for Sub-Saharan Africa.

Key Publications:

GIL Top Policy Lessons on Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

Profiting from Parity: Unlocking the Potential of Women's Business in Africa

Gender and Enterprise Development White Paper

GIL Papers and Briefs on Private Sector Development 

Supporting Women’s Livelihoods at Scale: Evidence from a Nationwide Multi-Faceted Program

Land is a key productive asset for rural households in Africa—and property rights thus play a critical role as they govern the allocation of this fundamental resource. Reflecting underlying gender inequality in the society, however, customary norms confer disproportionately weaker land rights to women, feeding into a cycle that further limits their economic opportunities.

Key Publications:

Top Policy Lessons in Women's Property Rights

Gender and Property Rights White Paper 

GIL Papers and Briefs on Property Rights 

Women’s and men’s labor market behaviors are influenced by social norms defining who should earn and control income for the family and who should perform domestic work. Individuals have incentives to conform with social norms, either as a means of achieving recognizable success or of avoiding sanctions. Changing social norms regarding women’s capability and suitability for economic activities and men’s capability and suitability for household tasks is integral to expanding women’s economic opportunities.

Key Publications: 

Engaging Men for Women’s Economic Empowerment: Overview of the Evidence 

Sharing Responsibility through Joint Decision Making and Implications for Intimate-Partner Violence: Evidence from 12 Sub-Saharan African Countries 

GIL Papers and Briefs on Social Norms and Gender Based Violence Prevention

Sex, Power, and Adolescence: Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Behaviors

Women are often overrepresented among the poorest and the most vulnerable. Many either remain outside the workforce due to several factors including care responsibilities or engage in informal employment within precarious sectors lacking crucial safeguards. Even during comparatively stable times, they teeter on the edge of economic insecurity, and when confronted with shocks like a pandemic, these already precarious jobs are more susceptible to disappearance, leaving women in a vulnerable reality without adequate coping mechanisms.

This underscores the importance of putting women at the center of social protection programs, which have the potential to effectively alleviate poverty. Ensuring that social protection systems have a targeted approach for women could help them navigate through unexpected crises and setbacks, secure employment opportunities, enhance their overall productivity, agency, and well-being. And this does not only have the power to alleviate women out of poverty, but also potentially their families, communities, and broader societies.

Key Publications:

GIL Top Policy Lessons in Social Protection

Pathways out of Extreme Poverty: Tackling Psychosocial and Capital Constraints with a Multi-faceted Social Protection Program in Niger

Can Public Works Enhance Welfare in Fragile Economies? Policy Brief

Are cash transfers better chunky or smooth: Evidence from an impact evaluation of a cash transfer program in northern Nigeria, Policy Brief

Designing and Implementing Low-Cost Childcare Solutions: Lessons from the Africa Gender Innovation Lab, Case Study

Thematic Areas' Points of Contact

  • Adolescent Girls and Youth Employment
    Estelle Koussoubé
  • Agriculture
    Aletheia Amalia Donald
  • Private Sector Development
    Sreelakshmi Papineni
  • Property Rights
    Joao Montalvao
  • Social Norms and GBV Prevention
    Rachael Pierotti
  • Social Protection
    Clara Delavallade

Country Labs' Points of Contacts

  • Gender Innovation Policy Initiative for Ethiopia (GIPIE)
    Niklas Buehren
  • Nigeria Gender Innovation Lab (NiGIL)
    Julia Vaillant

Crosscutting Themes' Points of Contacts

  • Childcare
    Sarah Deschênes
  • MAGNET / Measurement
    Aletheia Amalia Donald
  • Digital Services
    Andrew Brudevold-Newman
  • Occupational Segregation
    Sreelakshmi Papineni
  • Socio-emotional Skills
    Clara Delavallade
  • Engaging Men
    Rachael Pierotti