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France is a major shareholder of the World Bank Group (WBG) and has been a constant supporter and partner of the institution since its inception in 1944, notably through its participation in IDA. Through the WBG, France participates in addressing the most pressing and complex international development challenges, in particular in infrastructure, education, health, agriculture, private sector, conflict prevention, climate change, economic and institutional development among other priorities. France is more broadly an important partner in global efforts to reduce poverty.

The Executive Director represents France in the Executive Board of the World Bank Group (see detailed description of the WBG). As an official of the WBG, the French ED has a duty to act in the best interest of the institution, to oversee and govern the business of the WBG, as well as to represent the interest of France. He is assisted by a team of advisors notably coming from the TreasuryAgence Française de Développement (AFD)Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Banque de France. The French ED is also the representative of France in the IMF Executive Board of Directors.

Last Updated: Feb 01, 2023




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