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Thailand Economic Monitor Reports



Thailand Economic Monitor

July 2024: Thailand Economic Monitor - Unlocking the Growth Potential of Secondary Cities

Highlights Download report Eng (pdf) | Executive Summary (English | Thai)

Thailand Economic Monitor report cover

December 2023: Thailand Economic Monitor - Thailand's Path to Carbon Neutrality: The Role of Carbon Pricing

Highlights Download report Eng (pdf) | Executive Summary (English | Thai)

Thailand Economic Monitor report cover

June 2023: Thailand Economic Monitor - Coping with Droughts and Floods

Highlights Download report Eng (pdf) | Executive Summary (English | Thai)

Thailand Economic Monitor cover

December 2022: Thailand Economic Monitor - Fiscal Policy for a Resilient and Equitable Future

Highlights Download report Eng (pdf) | Executive Summary (English | Thai)

Thailand Economic Monitor report cover

June 2022: Thailand Economic Monitor - Building Back Greener: The Circular Economy

Highlights | Download report Eng (pdf) | Executive Summary (English | Thai)


December 2021: Thailand Economic Monitor - Living with COVID in a Digital World

Highlights | Download report Eng (pdf) | Executive Summary (English | Thai)


July 2021: Thailand Economic Monitor - The Road to Recovery

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January 2021: Thailand Economic Monitor - Restoring Incomes; Recovering Jobs

Highlights | Download report Eng (pdf) | Executive Summary (EnglishThai) | Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Part I: Recent Economic Developments and Outlook: The Long Road to Recovery (.p1)
- Part II: Thailand’s Labor Market: Challenges and Policy Responses to Drive a Jobs Recovery from COVID-19 (.p3)
- Box 1: Regional perspectives (.p2 desktop | mobile)
- Box 2: COVID-19 impacts on poverty and inequality (.p22 desktop | mobile)
- Box 3: A comparative perspective on Thailand’s economic response to COVID-19 (.p24 desktop | mobile)
- Box 4: Social protection responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in East Asia and the Pacific (.p27 desktop | mobile)
- Box 5: Recent progress on the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) (.p35 desktop | mobile)
- Box 6: The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (.p38 desktop | mobile)
- Box 7: Labor market data during the COVID-19 outbreak (.p42 desktop | mobile)


June 2020: Thailand Economic Monitor - Thailand in the Time of COVID-19

Highlights | Download report Eng (pdf) | Executive summary (Engish | Thai) | Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Part I: Recent economic developments and outlook (.p1)
- Part II: Protecting vulnerable households and firms from the COVID-19 outbreak (.p35)
- Box 1. Thailand’s public health response to the COVID-19 outbreak (.p2 desktop | mobile)
- Box 2. Why Thailand’s financial sector is better prepared than in previous crisis (.p28 desktop | mobile)
- Box 3. How has COVID-19 impacted Global Value Chains (.p43 desktop | mobile)


January 2020: Thailand Economic Monitor - Productivity for Prosperity

Highlights | Download report Eng (pdf) | Executive summary (Thai) | Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Part I: Recent economic developments and outlook (.p1)
- Part II: Boosting productivity (.p29)
- Box 1. Economic Cycles: Has Thailand Entered a Downturn (.p7 desktop | mobile)
- Box 2. Understanding the Sources of Recent Changes in Poverty Reduction (.p18 desktop | mobile)
- Box 3. Social Protection in a Transforming and Aging Thailand (.p20 desktop | mobile)
- Box 4. Affording and Implementing an Effective Fiscal Stimulus (.p27 desktop | mobile)
- Box 5. Paddy Pledging, Farmers and Structural Transformation (.p36 desktop | mobile)
- Box 6. Technical Note on Firm Productivity Estimation (.p46 desktop | mobile)


July 2019: Thailand Economic Monitor - Harnessing Fintech for Financial Inclusion

HighlightsDownload report Eng (pdf) | Executive summary Thai (pdf)

Sections in this edition:

- Part I: Outlook for 2019 (.p9 desktop | mobile)
- Part II: Fintech (.p32 desktop | mobile)
- Box 1. The Eastern Economic Corridor (.p28 desktop | mobile)
- Box 2. The Fiscal Responsibility Act (.p29 desktop | mobile)
- Box 3. Definitions of Fintech and Related Terms (.p33 desktop | mobile)
- Box 4. Financial and Digital Financial Inclusion in Thailand and the East Asia and Pacific Region (.p37 desktop | mobile)
- Box 5. Main Features – Thailand Fintech sector: Nascent but emerging (.p44 desktop | mobile)
- Box 10. An Overview of Fintech Regulatory Sandboxes (.p51 desktop | mobile)


January 2019: Thailand Economic Monitor - Inequality, Opportunity and Human Capital

Press release | Executive summary Eng ThaiDownload report Eng (pdf) 



April 2018: Thailand Economic Monitor - Beyond the Innovation Paradox

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Sections in this edition:

- The Economy in 2017 (.p11)
- Outlook for 2018 (.p21)
- Policy Watch (.p35)
- Beyond the Innovation Paradox (.p37)


August 2017: Thailand Economic Monitor -
Digital Transformation

Highlights | Download report Eng (pdf) 

Sections in this edition:

- Recent Economic Developments (.p6)
- Outlook for 2017 (.p20)
- Policy Watch (.p22)
- Reaching the Digital Frontier (.p29)


December 2016: Thailand Economic Monitor -
Services as a New Driver of Growth

Highlights | Infographic | Download report Eng (pdf) 

Sections in this edition:

-Recent Economic developments (.p4)
-Services as a new driver of growth (.p9)


June 2016: Thailand Economic Monitor -
Aging Society and Economy

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Sections in this edition:

-Macroeconomic developments and outlook (.p9)
-Thailand: Pushing Mega Projects Through Fiscal Bottlenecks (.p23)
- How Could Thailand’s State-Owned Enterprises be Governed?(.p43)
- Promoting Healthy and Productive Aging in Thailand (.p48)


June 2015: Thailand Economic Monitor - Quality Education for All


Sections in this edition:

- Raising the quality of education for all will help increase the skills and productivity of the labor force
- Almost 1/3 of Thai 15-year-old students are “functionally illiterate.” 


February 2014: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 3)
Selected issue notes

-  Recovery in the Global Environment and Implications for Thailand (p.11)
-  Economic Impact of the Current and Recent Political Unrests in Thailand (p.13)
-  Bt2 Trillion Public Transport and Logistics Infrastructure Investment Program (p.15)
-  Improving Implementation Effectiveness in Public Investment Projects in Thailand (p.17)


December 2012: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 6)
Selected issue notes
- Policy Watch (p.19)
- Paddy Pledging Program (p.19)
- Minimum Wage in Thailand: An Evaluation of the Impacts on Wage Workers (p.23)
- Skills for Growth and Equity in Thailand (p.26)
- Improving Lives of Poor and Vulnerable through Targeting and Universal Approaches (p.31)


April 2011: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 5)
Selected issue notes 
- Impact of the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan on the Thai Economy (p.10)
- Thailand‘s Economic Performance in Regional Context (p.12)
- A More Detailed Look at Export Price Changes (p.21)
- The Port of Dawei (p.28)
- Regional Inflation Developments (p.37)


June 2010: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 5)
Selected issue notes - Potential Impact of the Escalation of Political Crisis on the Thai Economy (p.6)
- Supply Chains in the Electrical and Electronics (E&E) Sectors (p.12)
- Chinese Import Demand from Thailand Looking Forward (p.23)
- Will a More Competitive Vietnamese Dong Hurt Thai Exports? (p.30)


November 2009: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 5)
Selected issue notes 
- Implementation of Structural Reforms (p.54)


June 2009: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 4)
Selected issue notes 
- Implementation of Reforms (p.47)


December 2008: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 5)

Selected issue notes  
- Implementation of Reforms (p.46)


April 2008: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 5)
Selected issue notes
- Relaxing Capital Outflows Restrictions in Thailand (p.10)
- The National Industrial Productivity Master Plan and Its Implementation (p.40)
- Major Progress on Thailand’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) (p.46)
- Changes under the new Civil Servants Act (p.48)


November 2007: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 5)
Selected issue notes 
- The Potential Impacts of the JTEPA on Thailand’s Exports to Japan (p.19)
- What is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) (p.33)
- Major progress on Thailand’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) (p.42)
- The amendments of the State Enterprise Corporatization Act, the Public Debt Management Act, the Private Participation in Public Works Act, the Public Procurement Royal Decree, and the Civil Servant Act – (p.44)


April 2007: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 9)
Selected issue notes
-  The Baht’s Appreciation and Implications (p.12)
-  Investment Plans and Policies for the Energy and Transport Sectors (p.31)
-  Details of the Financial Acts approved in the past six months (p.42)
- Progress on Thailand’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) (p.45)
- Improving Thailand’s Public Procurement System (p.47)


November 2006: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 8)
Selected issue notes
-  Thailand’s High Oil Intensity (p.12)
- Price Control in Thailand and Its Impact on Firm’s Productivity (p.13)
- International Experience of Biofuel Adoption (p.18)
- Identifying Thailand’s Poor Using Poverty Maps (p.23)
-Thailand’s Long-Delayed Secured Transactions Act (p.56)
-Progress on Thailand’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) (p.59)


April 2006: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p. 7)
Selected issue notes 
- Thailand’s Recovery from Crisis(p.2)
- Inflation Trend (p.8)
- Development of Renewable Energy and Biofuels in Thailand (p.11)
- Thailand’s Public Debt (p.12)
- Thailand’s External Debt (p.14)


November 2005: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.5)
Selected issue notes 
- Impact of Oil Price on Inflation and Growth (p.9)
- Thailand Northeast Economic Development Report (p.11)
- Thailand’s Current Account and Impacts (p.28)
- Government’s Policy Measures for Private Sector Provision and Use of More Skills Development and Educational Services (p.42)
- Key Findings from the Thailand Corporate Governance Report on Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) (p.47)
- Progress on Thailand’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) (p.49)


April 2005: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.5)
- Impact of World Oil Price Rise and Increase in Retail Diesel Price Ceiling (p.6)
- Impact of Oil Price Rise on Thai Oil Imports (p.7)
- Thailand’s Poverty Line (p.10)
- Thai Household Access to Credit (p.22)
- Challenges in Implementing Mega-projects in Thailand (p.30)
- Progress on Thailand’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) (p.42)


November 2004: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.5)

- Impact of the Oil Price Rise (p.6)
- Household Debt in Thailand (p.19)
- Is a Property Bubble on Its Way? (p.22)
- Critical Elements of Infrastructure Development (p.30)
- Efforts to Improve Thailand Competitiveness (p.36)
- Progress on Thailand’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) (p.42)


April 2004: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.5 )
- Impact of the Avian Flu (p.6)
- The Poverty Registration Program (p.9)
- Working with Publicly Disseminated Financial Institution Loan Statistics (p.21)
- Key Features of Bank Loan Growth after the Crisis (p.24)
- Gaps in Enterprise Statistics in Thailand (p.31)


October 2003: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.5 )

- Implementation of Structural Reforms (p.21)
- Financial and Corporate Reform and Restructuring (p.23)
- Reforms to Improve the Business Climate (p.34)
- Recent Trade Reforms (p.36)
-  Fiscal Policy and Public Sector Reforms (p.37)


May 2003: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.3)

- Implementation of Structural Reforms (p.17)
- Financial and Corporate Reform and Restructuring (p.17)
- Reforms to Improve the Business Climate (p.25)


May 2002: Positioning for a Susitainable Recovery

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.13)

- Thai economy seems to have turned around (p.14)
- What is the Village Fund? (p.24)
- Categories of contingent liabilities in Thailand (p.26)
- Thai Asset Management Corporation (TAMC) (p.36)
- Medium term strategy for the financial sector (p.41)


July 2001: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.3)

- Measures to Stimulate the Capital Market (p.21)
- Why corporate restructuring continues to be slow? (p.25)
- Premium for Good Corporate Governance (p.27)
- Corporate Governance Reform in Thailand-Challenges ahead (p.28)
- Lessons of Experience on National Holding Company (p.30)


December 2000: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.4)

-  Poverty and inequity in Thailand, before and after crisis (p.5)
-  Working to bring women "out of silence" (p.10)
-  Corporate restructuring outlook: A selected analysis (p.35)
-  Progress on the accounting and auditing reform in Thailand (p.37)



June 2000: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.5)

- Net foreign direct investment in Thailand (p.15)
- Landmark insolvency decision: TPI case (p.35)


February 2000: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.5)

- Insolvency Law Reform: A Review (p.19)
- Thailand: Implementation of the Business Competition Act (p.27)
- The National Decentralization Act and Committee (p.30)


October 1999: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)

- Key Constraints to Business (p.17)
- The New Constitution and Its Implication for Public Sector Management Reform (p.27)
- Progress on Some of the Organic Laws Mandated by The 1997 Constitution (p.28)


June 1999: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)


May 1999: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)


April 1999: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)


March 1999: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)


February 1999: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)


January 1999: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)


December 1998: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)


November 1998: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)


October 1998: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)


February 1999: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)

February 1999: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)

December 1998: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)

December 1998: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

Recent economic development and outlook (p.2)

December 2012: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:

December 2012: Thailand Economic Monitor

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Sections in this edition:
