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日本がIDA20開始記念行事をホスト 世界の最貧困国支援に国際社会が930億ドルを拠出表明

東京、2022年9月13日 – 日本政府と世界銀行は今週、世界銀行グループの国際開発協会(アイダ:IDA)による第20次増資(IDA20)の開始に当たり、ドナー国と被援助国が一堂に会する記念行事を主催した。紛争、インフレ率上昇、コロナ、食料不安、気候変動、増加を続ける債務など、世界は重複する複数の危機に見舞われており、最貧困層がとりわけ甚大な影響を受けている。こうした中、930億ドルのIDA20パッケージは、低所得国の経済再建に向けた支援に充てられる。




  • 教育、保健、栄養等の人的資本と、コロナワクチンへの投資を優先。
  • 食料システムの強靱性を強化し、緊急支援を提供。農業と社会的保護システムの強化により、食料生産を拡大し、食料価格高騰の家計への影響を緩和。
  • パンデミック、金融ショック、自然災害など将来の危機への備えに向けた支援を強化。
  • 気候変動対策を一段と強化:適応支援、生物多様性の保全、温室効果ガス排出削減に向けた公正な移行の支援。
  • 脆弱性や紛争の影響を受ける国々への柔軟な支援を拡大。
  • IDA支援対象国のために持続可能な借入れと融資のあり方を推進する債務政策を実施。




世界銀行の国際開発協会(IDA)は、世界の74の最貧国における極度の貧困との闘いに最大規模の資金援助を行っており、経済成長、強靱性強化、最脆弱層の支援にグラント(無償資金)、無利子又は低利・長期の貸付を提供しています。IDAは、1960年の設立以来、114カ国に約4,580億ドルの投資を行いました。IDAに関する詳細はウェブサイトをご覧ください。 #IDA20 #IDAworks


TOKYO, Sept. 13, 2022 –The Government of Japan and the World Bank hosted the in-person launch of the twentieth cycle of the International Development Association (IDA20) at a gathering of donor and recipient countries. The $93 billion IDA20 package will help low-income countries rebuild their economies in the face of overlapping crises—climate change, COVID-19, conflict, inflation, rising debt, and food insecurity—which are hitting the poorest people disproportionately harder.

“The World Bank and its partners are committed to providing support to poor countries in their efforts to respond to the ongoing crises,” said David Malpass, World Bank Group President“We are grateful to Japan’s leadership in championing a strong IDA20 replenishment and hosting the launch, and to all our partners for their support of IDA as a non-fragmented and efficient platform to deliver the greatest results.”

“The historic agreement of IDA20 represents our unwavering willingness to help developing nations achieve development goals," said Shunichi Suzuki, Japan’s Minister of Finance. “As the international community faces multiple crises, we are convinced that cooperating with one another and sharing knowledge and experience are the wisdom that humanity has acquired through its history, and IDA will play an even more important role as the World Bank Group and international community work together.”

IDA20 will help countries tackle these challenges by:

  • Prioritizing investments in human capital such as education, health and nutrition, and COVID-19 vaccines;
  • Strengthening resilience of food systems and providing emergency support. IDA20 will support agriculture and social protection systems to increase food production and help families cushion the effects of higher food prices;
  • Deepening support to prepare for future crises, including pandemics, financial shocks and natural hazards;
  • Enhancing action on climate change, including actions to support adaptation, preserve biodiversity, and enable countries to shift to a low-GHG emissions development pathway with a just transition;
  • Providing increased and flexible support for countries facing fragility and conflict; and
  • Implementing a debt policy to promote sustainable borrowing and lending practices in IDA countries.  

The IDA20 financing cycle runs from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2025, with a focus on Building Back Better from the Crisis: Towards a Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Future. IDA20 will also continue to work closely with countries to achieve their long-term development goals such as gender equality and job creation, with a continued emphasis on governance and institutions, and bridging the digital divide to foster economic transformation and social inclusion.

The $93 billion package was made possible by donor contributions from 52 high- and middle-income countries totaling $23.5 billion, with additional financing raised in the capital markets, repayments, and the World Bank’s own contributions.

About IDA 
The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) is one of the largest sources of funding for fighting extreme poverty in the world’s 74 lowest-income countries. IDA provides grants and zero- or low-interest loans to countries for projects and programs that boost economic growth, build resilience, and improve the lives of poor people around the world. Since 1960, IDA has provided about $458 billion for investments in 114 countries.

Learn more online: and #IDA20 #IDAworks 

プレスリリース番号: 2023/013/DFI


Patricia da Camara


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