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齋藤恵子 世界銀行グループ 防災グローバル・ファシリティ (GFDRR) 防災専門官と、山崎吉高 OYOインターナショナル株式会社 地震災害管理部門 部門長は、地域ハザードマップ作成実習が災害への事前準備につながることについて、日本の地方自治体の経験と事例を紹介しました。

マリア・テレサ・ロドリゲス・ブランドン グアテマラ財団 理事長は、先住民の女性団体によるより良いハザードマップ作成プロセスへの貢献やその経験が、女性のリーダーシップ研修にも活かされていると示しました。具体的には、ハザードマップ作成が女性の社会的地位向上への一助となり、人々の生計や災害への事前準備につながると述べました。

プレマ・ゴパラン スワヤム・シクシャン・プレヨグ 理事長は、女性が「受益者としてではなく、変革をもたらす存在」として、リスクの認識に重要な役割を担っていると指摘しました。

清田 英巳 Ibasho 代表は、特に避難の際に時間や配慮が求められる高齢者を含む、各地域住民の異なるニーズに基づいたハザードマップ作成と事前準備計画が必要とされることを強調しました。

金田 恵子 世界銀行グループ 防災グローバル・ファシリティ (GFDRR) 東京防災ハブ 防災専門官は、地域住民のニーズをプロセスに取り入れることによりハザードマップが有用なものとなり、さらにそれらが災害への事前準備計画に活かされることを述べました。また、設計事務所である日建設計が開発した「逃げ地図」を使い、70名を超える参加者との対話型コミュニティー地図作成ワークショップを実施しました。





世界銀行グループ 防災グローバル・ファシリティ (GFDRR) 防災専門官
OYOインターナショナル株式会社 地震災害管理部門 部門長

グアテマラ財団 理事長

スワヤム・シクシャン・プレヨグ 理事長

清田 英巳
Ibasho 代表



「平成27年 さいたま市防災都市づくり計画」(PDF)


Do you know when the last major earthquake was in the community you live or work? Do you know the tsunami, earthquake or landslide risks in your local area? Unfortunately, many communities around the world do not have readily accessible information to help answer these important questions, and take action to reduce risks.

This session will present recent guidance material providing step-by-step support for local government and communities to prepare seismic hazard maps. The session will introduce not only on the technical aspects but also how they are institutionalized, funded and how the information is used by the communities. The session will also showcase examples of innovative communities that have completed seismic hazard maps and used them to drive informed action and communication with their experiences preparing hazard maps and the challenges that communities face in making them accessible and relevant for residents.

At the end of the session, we will engage you in a fun exercise to test out voluntarily developed community hazard mapping tool called Nigechizu. The tool was developed by Nikken Sekkei, an architecture firm, and some students from Tohoku, affected region of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011.

世界銀行グループ 防災グローバル・ファシリティ (GFDRR) 防災専門官

Ms. Keiko Saito is Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Specialist at the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), World Bank Group. She is a member of the Innovation Labs team, specializing in the application of geospatial data for disaster risk management. She brings with her more than 10 years of experience in this field. Her current primary focus is the standardization and mainstreaming of the use of remotely sensed data and other geospatial tools for effective risk assessment and management throughout the disaster cycle from preparedness through to recovery and reconstruction. Prior to joining the World Bank, she worked in multidisciplinary risk management/assessment teams at Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd as a Director, as Willis Research Fellow and as a Senior Research Associate at the Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge. Ms. Saito has a Ph.D. on the use of remotely sensed data for post-earthquake damage assessment from University of Cambridge, UK.


OYOインターナショナル株式会社 地震災害管理部門 部門長

Mr. Yoshitaka Yamazaki is Manager at Earthquake Disaster Management Department in OYO International Corporation. As a geophysics expert, he has been working on a number of disaster risk management (DRM) projects focusing on seismic risk in developing countries over the past 17 years. He has extensive experiences in DRM planning and capacity development of national and local governments in various countries. Mr. Yamazaki has a Master’s degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology.


グアテマラ財団 理事長

Ms. María Teresa Rodríguez-Blandon is the Director of Fundación Guatemala, founder of the Women and Peace Network as a member of the Huairou Commission and National Facilitator of the Community Practitioners Platform for Resilience in the country. She leads the process of Certification of Grassroots Women Leaders as Development Agents for DRR with the National Disaster Management Agency (CONRED). Ms. Rodríguez-Blandon worked for 15 years directly with grassroots women's movements struggling for land rights and women's rights. She was the team leader of the National Coordination for the Right to Land and Property creating the first formal partnership between the Land Fund of Guatemala and the grassroots women leaders to influence equitable distribution of land for women. She introduced the Safer Cities for Women and Girls Program to Guatemala as a member of Women and Habitat Network of Latin America also member of Huairou Commission and recently she did the coordination for the special program of training grassroots women in the use of GPS for DRR purposes with the Ministry of Agriculture in Guatemala.


スワヤム・シクシャン・プレヨグ 理事長

Ms. Prema Gopalan is the Founder and Executive Director of Swayam Shikshan Prayog (Self Education for Empowerment: SSP), a learning and development organization working in 16 districts across four states in India for empowering grassroots women as social and environment leaders and entrepreneurs so they can take a lead in bringing their communities from margin to mainstream. She has worked on disaster management since SSP was community participation consultant to the state government’s Maharashtra Emergency Earthquake Rehabilitation Program from 1993 to 1997 sponsored by the World Bank. Since then she has led large scale programs on post-disaster recovery and disaster risk reduction (DRR) in several provinces. Her focus on enhancing women’s leadership in resilient development, has led to nurturing community based financial mechanisms and partnerships that strengthen livelihoods in the face of disaster. She is the Global Advisor on Community Resilience Campaign of GROOTS International and Huairou Commission. Mr. Gopalan holds an M.Phil in Sociology and Research-Methodology and Masters in Social-Work.


Image清田 英巳
Ibasho 代表

As an environmental gerontologist, Ms. Emi Kiyota has focused her career on improving both the built environment and organizational culture of long term care for elders. Inspired by living with elders in a nursing home during her graduate studies, she provides expert advice on designing age-friendly housing, hospitals, and clinical-care centers in the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa, and is a frequent speaker on these issues at international gatherings of practitioners and academics. Originally from Japan, in 2010, she founded Ibasho, a not-for-profit organization (NGO) dedicated to creating socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable communities that value their elders, embodying the Japanese concept of "a place where one feels at home being oneself“. Working with local elders, she facilitated the first innovative “Ibasho Cafe” in Ofunato, Japan, in the wake of the Great Tsunami, and is replicating this initiative in the Philippines and Nepal. She currently serves as the organization’s president and CEO. She also received a Loeb Fellowship at the Harvard University in 2016, and Residency Fellowship at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center in 2012.


Image金田 恵子
世界銀行グループ 防災グローバル・ファシリティ 東京防災ハブ 防災専門官

防災専門官として、2014年より世界銀行東京防災ハブに勤務。「日本-世界銀行防災共同プログラム」を通し、国・地域別の技術支援プログラム、および日本の防災の知見を活用し開発途上国と共有するプログラムの形成や管理を行う。途上国において防災を主流化するため、世界銀行の地域ごとの防災チームとともに、多様なセクターとの連携案件形成を支援する。過去の災害復興事業従事の経験を踏まえ、2015年に壊滅的被害を被ったネパールやバヌアツにおける被害調査ならびに世界銀行による復興プロジェクト形成に従事。世界銀行入行前は、国連開発計画事務局 (UNDP) および国連人間居住計画 (UN Habitat) インドネシア事務所、国連難民高等弁務官事務所 (UNHCR) 南スーダン事務所、国際協力機構 (JICA) モンゴル事務所にて、約10年間にわたり、住宅再建を中心とした自然災害・紛争後の復興事業、事前対策、気候変動適応、都市開発などに携わる。京都工芸繊維大学大学院修士課程修了、工学修士。現在、京都大学大学院 工学研究科 建築学専攻にて、博士後期課程履修中。















  • 日時: 2016年05月16日 (月) 午前10時~正午 (CEST)
  • 場所: ベネチア メストレ30172 2 ビアレ・アンコーナ NHラグーナ・パラーテェ スパツィオ4



