DAPP Event: Unmasking Abusive Behavior: What's Behind It?
"How do we hold people accountable for wrongdoing and yet at the same time remain in touch with their humanity enough to believe in their capacity to be transformed?" – bell hooks
This webinar will discuss common misconceptions, traits, behaviors and characteristics of individuals who use abuse in their intimate partner relationships. Participants will learn about the root causes of intimate partner violence and how it differs from common or situational couple violence, as well as, promising strategies for motivating behavior change. Discussion will also focus on the latest trends in transformative justice strategies and progressive accountability framework approaches. Find out what works, what doesn’t and what is on the horizon. (Webinar – 60 minutes)
Hosted by: Stephanie Asare Nti
Presenter: Lisa Nitsch, House of Ruth Maryland
FRI: 03/26/2021: 1:00 pm Wash DC, 8:00 pm Nairobi
Lisa Nitsch, Director of Training & Education, House of Ruth Maryland. Lisa is responsible for House of Ruth Maryland's intervention services for abusive partners and the Training Institute, which coordinates professional development for staff, external community education, and professional technical assistance. She has been with House of Ruth Maryland since 1998 and has advanced through a variety of positions, including overseeing the agency's Clinical Services for survivors and their children, the Teen Initiative, and the Developmental Childcare Center. Her depth of knowledge and her humor make her a dynamic and highly sought-out trainer and facilitator with a strong grasp of the history of the violence against women movement and nonprofit leadership. Lisa is an appointed member of the Maryland Governor's Family Violence Council and is on the Board of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. She served as Vice President of the national organization, Women in Fatherhood, and as Co-Chair of Maryland's Abuse Intervention Collaborative. She has been training faculty for notable organizations such as Futures Without Violence, Battered Women's Justice Project, Women of Color Network, Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community, and the National District Attorneys Association. She has served as an advisor to the Obama Administration's White House, the National Institutes of Health, the US Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women, and the US Department of Health & Human Services' Administration for Children & Families. Her current, but ever-changing, interests include developing programs for abusive partners within disinvested communities that address the dual experience of holding privilege and perpetrating oppression, engaging intended service audiences in program design & development, and exploring community-based accountability models for abusive partners beyond the criminal legal system.