The report has been divided into two distinct sections: (A) IBRD/IDA and IFC trust funds and (B) Financial intermediary funds to differentiate between the distinctive roles and functions of the two financing mechanisms, since the majority of FIF resources are allocated to external (non-WBG) IAs. Each section begins with an overview and achievements, followed by financial trends, and culminates with reform. By providing an overview and achievements and financial portfolio analysis, the report enables the reader to gain insights to better understand the reform efforts and the way forward.
This section describes the critical role of IBRD/IDA and IFC trust funds in enabling the WBG to support priority development issues, complement IBRD/IDA and IFC operations, and build partnerships. It does so by highlighting three key aspects of the IBRD/IDA and IFC trust fund portfolio.
SECTION B—Financial Intermediary Funds
This section focuses on the management and financial aspects of the FIF portfolio to highlight key programs, sectors, and innovations, and summarizes key aspects of FIF reform.