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WICER Online Assessment Tool

The purpose of the WICER quick assessment tool is to: 

  • Familiarize the user with the idea of circularity & resilience (WICER) and expose the user to solutions that they might have not considered. The tool is also a good conversation starter to be used in stakeholder workshops to introduce the concept.
  • Help assess if your project is WICER in a quick and easy way.Present solutions, guidelines and resources to become circular and resilient.



Water in Circular Economy and Resilience

Making the economic and financial case for circular projects in water  

Upcoming: Creating the right PIR (Policies, Institutions and Regulations) environment for WICER

Wastewater: from waste to resource

Water reuse within a circular economy context (collaboration with UNESCO)

Case studies


Workshops and training material

Session 1. Day Workshop Material: “Incorporating circular economy and resilience principles in the water sector”  


Discussion Template

Session 2. Case Studies and Innovative Business models 


Discussion Template

Session 3. Interactive session to prioritize and apply the WICER principles


Discussion Template

Session 4. The importance of the right Policy, Regulation and Institutional Environment and Stakeholder engagement:


Discussion Template



WICER at World Water Week 2023:  "From linear to circular and resilient: Transforming the water sector"

Blue Planet Water Dialogues 2023: Closing the Loop: Circular Water Economy

Launch of the Initiative "Water in Circular Economy & Resilience" (WICER)

Economía circular y agua, desafíos y oportunidades (in Spanish)

Economía circular como herramienta de sostenibilidad de sistemas de agua y saneamiento (in Spanish) 

Seminario organizado por el Banco Mundial y la Dirección General de Aguas (DGA) del Ministerio de Obras Públicas de Chile sobre las  ventajas de la economía circular del agua (in Spanish)


Additional Related World Bank resources

Wastewater Treatment and Reuse: A Guide to Help Small Towns Select Appropriate Options

Turning Fecal Sludge into a Resource through Innovative Waste Management

Efficient and Effective Management of Water Resource Recovery Facilities

Integrating Green and Gray : Creating Next Generation  Infrastructure

Water Scarce Cities: Thriving in a Finite World

Market Potential and Business Models for Products Recovered from Wastewater

2030 WRG Webinar Series on Reimagining Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Agriculture in India: Technology, Finance, and Governance Perspectives

Circular Economy Pathways for Municipal Wastewater Management in India: A Practitioner’s Guide

Securing Potable Water Supply under Extreme Scarcity: Lessons from Cyprus

Using Performance Based Contracts to Reduce Non-Revenue-Water

Improving Wastewater Use in Agriculture An Emerging Priority

The Future of Water in African Cities : Why Waste Water?


WICER at SIWI World Water Week