The COVID-19 pandemic exacted a drastic human toll, and the economic and social impacts of the pandemic reverberated globally. The World Bank’s support throughout the pandemic was focused on helping countries address the crisis and transition to recovery through a combination of saving lives; protecting the poor; securing foundations of the economy; and strengthening policies and institutions for resilience. Overall, for building a resilient and inclusive recovery.
The artists in this section explore what it means to be resilient in times of crisis, and what a thriving recovery looks like. Nú Barreto from Guinea-Bissu used the pandemic as an opportunity for introspection and reflection on the possibility for society to start things all over again in a new way. Using a system of universally recognizable symbols, Barreto made drawings each day as a kind of testimony for what will define the time. Musical group Calema took a different approach, producing vocal tracks that were intended to be more extroverted, and spread hope, high energy, and light. All of the artists in this section engage with the pandemic with both a realistic and optimistic lens. These artists reveal the depths of one’s inner, more solitary life while at the same time showcasing the importance of projecting on one’s community a wishful vision for what could be.