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Tunisia Economic Resilience & Inclusion (TERI)


The development objective of the TERI Umbrella Trust Fund is to support Tunisia in strengthening its economic resilience and inclusion through three main areas of intervention, translated into three program pillars:

Pillar 1 logo

Pillar 1

A more effective and resilient public sector for citizens and the private sector

Aims to improve governance and resilience for a citizen- and business-centric administration. This includes improved budget and public finance management, as well as the digitalization of services to provide better access to services and increased social accountability. Strengthening the capacity of the public sector at the local level through decentralization and regionalization processes is also key to bringing citizens closer to the government, and fundamental to increasing institutional trust and the outreach of services

Pillar 2 logo

Pillar 2

An environment conducive to sustainable economic growth and private sector-led job creation

Aims to restore an environment conducive to sustainable economic growth and private sector-led job creation. Various constraints need to be addressed, including the regulatory business environment and modernization of the financial sector. Regional disparities in Tunisia will also be addressed by the presence of more productive firms in the regions that are not traditionally private sector-led. This requires new infrastructure for enhanced connectivity and creating new economic opportunities in the lagging regions.

Pillar 3 logo

Pillar 3

Enhanced services to citizens for social, economic, and regional inclusion

Aims for more social, economic, and regional inclusion through access to high-quality services for all citizens such as health, education, water and sanitation, waste management, employment services, social protection, and social programs.

This pillar is strongly related to the first two pillars: whilst Pillar 1 (digitalization and decentralization) contributes to bringing services closer to marginalized people, especially in remote areas, Pillar 2 (sustainable economic growth) supports job creation to provide better economic opportunities for marginalized people and regions. Pillar 3 further supports these efforts by enabling equal access to these opportunities.

Tunis city center
Downtown Tunis and its vibrant city life
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