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Tunisia Economic Resilience & Inclusion (TERI)

TERI's Results and Impact Stories

TERI Social Protection Illustration 1 Final

Enhancing the Social Protection System in Tunisia

The World Bank's and TERI's Assistance in Supporting Vulnerable Populations

Tunisia is making significant progress in improving its social protection system amidst economic challenges and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This article highlights the World Bank's significant contributions, particularly through the AMEN Social Program, which offers comprehensive assistance to the most vulnerable households. It also outlines ongoing efforts and achievements in digitalizing services, improving targeting and resource allocation, and enhancing legal aid and social services through the TERI Umbrella program.

Green Energy in Tunisia

Green Energy Transition in Tunisia

Towards Sustainable and Affordable Energy Solutions

Discover Tunisia's journey towards a sustainable energy future with the support of the TERI Umbrella Program. This article explores the country's ambitious plans to transition from fossil fuel dependence to renewable energy sources, highlighting the economic and environmental benefits of green energy. Learn about the steps being taken to harness Tunisia's vast solar and wind potential, reduce energy costs, and improve overall energy security and financial stability.

TERI Life Event Approach

Citizens at the Center

How Tunisia is Embracing GovTech through Life Events and Citizen Barometers

Tunisia continues making important progress in the digitalization and strengthening of its public service delivery, an ongoing reform process that has been supported by the World Bank for several years. Read this article to find out more about the user-centric approaches being implemented for citizens.

TRACE beneficiary in Gabes

Sweet like honey: Hannen's success story

Developing apiculture in the Southern region of Gabes

Following her application to the TRACE-ENDA project, Hanen was able to develop her organic beekeeping business to new heights. Find out more on how the TRACE grant  allowed her to increase her production fourfold, create employment opportunities in her region, and significantly improve her revenue and financial resilience.

Project Development Fund for Tunisia

Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)

Developing a Project Development Fund for Tunisia

Through the Compact with Africa multi-donor Trust Fund, the TERI Umbrella has been providing technical assistance to set up a Project Development Fund (PDF) for Public-Private Partnerships in Tunisia, which aims to improve the readiness of the public sector in dealing with PPP contracts through enhanced project governance, better monitoring, and a greater emphasis on capacity-building.

TRACE beneficiary in Kairouan

In Kairouan, the prepared bird gets the snail

Setting-up a successful snail business with Samiha

Having secured financing via the TRACE-UTSS program, Samiha was able to successfully develop her heliculture business by acquiring specialized equipment and following management courses. Since then, her business venture has had tremedously positive impact - creating more than 7 full-time jobs and an additional twenty seasonal opportunities.

CwA Country Team meeting Tunisia

Public Private Dialogues (PPDs)

Prioritizing Reforms to Improve Business Climate

Through the Compact with Africa (CwA) Country Team meetings, the World Bank is helping the facilitation of dialogue between the Tunisian private sector and public actors. The aim is to strengthen cooperation and enable a more efficient and transparent prioritization of economic measures that lead to a more favorable business and investment climate.

TRACE beneficiary in Jendouba

Staying cool to get insured: Walid's vision

Promoting workers' insurance in jendouba

Walid applied to the TRACE-Microfinanza program in the hope of improving his production through the more efficient storage and refrigeration of his fresh produce. This was a winning idea, as his cold-storage capacity went up by 75% and he is now in a position to offer his employees with more complete workers' insurance.

TRACE Operators - 3 complementing approaches to agri-financing

TRACE operator in Tunisia

Amplifying investment through matching grants

Microfinanza's approach in the Northwest

An innovative methodology that encourages and generates a strong multiplier effect from the private sector: enabling more than $7 in private investment for every $1 dollar obtained in grants.

TRACE operator in Tunisia

Small cohorts, matching grants and microfinance loans

ENDA's approach in the South

With ENDA Inter-Arabe, the selection of candidates eligible for support is based on a cohort approach, with the objective of grouping similar applicants by relevant agri-category. This optimizes the effectiveness of the training, coaching, and sharing of experience among the applicants and helps create capacity-building.

TRACE operator in Tunisia

Inclusive assistance to those with little or no access to credit

UTSS' COVID-response

UTSS applied a single call for applications targeting agri-businesses and producer organizations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This inclusive approach allowed for a large number of applications accross all three regions covered by the TRACE Program.

Larger version of previous upload

In Focus

Open Gov. Data Hackathon

The World Bank is helping Tunisian citizens harness open data as a means to achieve greater levels of innovation and provide solutions for more open and transparent governance. Find out how in the video below.