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BRIEFAugust 12, 2022

All PROBLUE Resources and News


Towards Higher : Options for Sustainable and Productive Fisheries in Indonesia - Performing Fisheries (English), June 2024

Unlocking Financing to Combat the Plastics Crisis - Opportunities, Risks, and Recommendations for Plastic Credits (English), June 2024

The Nature-Based Solutions Opportunity Scan: Leveraging Earth Observation Data to Identify Investment Opportunities in NBS for Climate Resilience in Cities and Coasts across the World, June 2024

Roteiro de Implementação da Conta Satélite da Economia Azul em Moçambique, June 2024

Egypt - Country Environmental Analysis : Promoting Circular Economy and Blue Economy for Environmental Sustainability, June 2024

The World Bank Group and the Marine Plastics Agenda, June 2024

Aquaculture Dynamics - Constraints and Opportunities for Aquaculture Development in Southern Mozambique, June 2024

The Global Acquabusiness Investment Guide : A Living Framework to Guide Sustainable Development in the World's Fastest Growing Food Sector - Summer 2024, May 2024

Municipal Solid Waste Cost Calculation Technical Guidelines for Low and Middle-Income Countries, April 2024

Island Insights: Surging Seas and Increasing Rains, Analyzing Flood Risks in São Tomé e Príncipe, District by District, April 2024

Blueprints for Private Investment in Ecosystem Restoration : Lessons from Case Studies (English), March 2024

Charting a Blue Course - Investment Projects for the Blue Economy Transition in São Tomé e Principe (English), March 2024

Maldives Country Environmental Analysis: Towards a More Sustainable and Resilient Blue Economy, February 2024 

Toward a National Single-use Plastics Roadmap in Vietnam: Strategic Options for Reducing Priority Single-use Plastics, April 2022 (available in Vietnamese)

Unlocking Blue Carbon Development: Investment Readiness Framework for Governments, November 2023

The AquaInvest Platform, November 2023

Hot Water Rising: The Impact of Climate Change on Indonesia’s Fisheries and Coastal Communities, November 2023

Voices of WACA in São Tomé and Príncipe (English), October 2023

Tangled Seas: A Snapshot of Abandoned, Lost, or Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear in South Asia, September 2023 

Behavior Change in Solid Waste Management - A Compendium of Cases, September 2023

Global Seaweed New and Emerging Markets Report 2023, August 2023

West Africa Circular Economy: Realizing the Potential of Plastics, July 2023

The Economics of Plastic Use and Cleanup Priorities for West African Coastal Countries, July 2023

Plastic Pollution in Coastal West Africa - Synthesis, July 2023

Building a Blue Economy Roadmap for Cambodia, July 2023

A Blue Transformation for Pacific Maritime Transport: Overarching Regional Transport, June 2023

Detox Development: Repurposing Environmentally Harmful Subsidies, June 2023

Distributing Carbon Revenues from Shipping, June 2023

The Costs of Environmental Degradation from Plastic Pollution in Selected Coastal Areas in the United Republic of Tanzania, April 2023

Technical Report: Understanding the Nexus of Mangroves and Women in Ghana, March 2023

Technical Report: Understanding the Nexus of Mangroves and Women in Guinea-Conakry, March 2023

Technical Report: West Africa Coastal Areas High-Level Platform Benefits of Mangrove Afforestation and Restoration Programs in Ghana, March 2023

Technical Report: West Africa Coastal Areas High‑Level Platform Benefits of Mangrove Afforestation and Restoration Programs in Guinea‑Conakry, March 2023

Gender Integration in the Blue Economy Portfolio: Review of Experiences and Future Opportunities, October 2022

Vietnam: Plastic Pollution Diagnostics, July 2022

Offshore Wind Roadmap for Azerbaijan, June 2022

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Fisheries and Aquaculture, June 2022
Guidance Note | Rapid Needs Assessment Tool: Checklist | User Guide

Plastic Waste Management in Rwanda: An Ex-post Policy Analysis, May 2022

The Role of Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes for Packaging towards Circular Economies in APEC, May 2022

Plastic-Free Coastlines: A Contribution from the Maghreb to Address Marine Plastic Pollution, April 2022

Toward a National Single-use Plastics Roadmap in Vietnam: Strategic Options for Reducing Priority Single-use Plastics, April 2022
(available in Vietnamese)

Linea de Base para la de Economia Azul del Perú (Spanish), April 2022

Offshore Wind Roadmap for the Philippines, April 2022

Get Clean and Green – Solid and Plastic Waste Management in Lao PDR, April 2022

Where Is the Value in the Chain? Pathways out of Plastic Pollution, March 2022

Plastic Waste Material Flow Analysis for Thailand, February 2022

Riding the Blue Wave: Applying the Blue Economy Approach to World Bank Operations, February 2022

Linea de Base para la de Economia Azul de Galäpagos (Spanish), February 2022

The Circular Plastics Economy in Mozambique: Challenges and Opportunities,
February 2022

Towards a Multisectoral Action Plan for Sustainable Plastic Management in Bangladesh, December 2021

Priorities for Sustainably Managing Sri Lanka’s Marine Fisheries, Coastal Aquaculture, and the Ecosystems That Support Them, September 2021

Market Study for Vietnam: Plastics Circularity Opportunities and Barriers, September 2021

Bridging the Gap in Solid Waste Management: Governance Requirements for Results, July 2021

Financing Mechanisms for Sustainable Blue Economy Development in Mozambique, June 2021

Banking on Protected Areas: Promoting Sustainable Protected Area Tourism to Benefit Local Economies, June 2021

Vietnam: Plastic Pollution Diagnostics, June 2021
(avaiable in Vietnamese)

Pakistan Blue Carbon Rapid Assessment: Policy Recommendations for the Revision of Nationally Determined Contribution, May 2021

Potential of Zero-Carbon Bunker Fuels in Developing Countries, April 2021

The Role of LNG in the Transition Toward Low- and Zero-Carbon Shipping, April 2021

Market Study for Malaysia: Plastics Circularity Opportunities and Barriers, March 2021

Ocean Governance Summaries, March 2021

Market Study for Thailand: Plastics Circularity Opportunities and Barriers, February 2021

Climate Change and Marine Fisheries in Africa : Assessing Vulnerability and Strengthening Adaptation Capacity, Deember 2019

Marine Pollution in the Caribbean: Not a Minute to Waste, March 2019

The Changing Wealth of Nations 2018: Building a Sustainable Future, January 2018

The Sunken Billions Revisited: Progress and Challenges in Global Marine Fisheries, February 2017

The Potential of the Blue Economy: Increasing Long-term Benefits of the Sustainable Use of Marine Resources for Small Island Developing States and Coastal Least Developed Countries, June 2017



PROBLUE Impact Stories: Sierra Leone: Inspiring Innovation to Reduce Single-Use Plastics in Tourism and Beyond, May 2024

PROBLUE Impact Stories: Decarbonizing Maritime Shipping Drives Results for People and Planet, May 2024

PROBLUE Impact Stories: Innovative Fisheries Insurance: Making the Fisheries Sector in the Caribbean Resilient to Climate Events, May 2024 

WACA Impact Stories, May 2024

Assessment and Options Analysis of Climate and Nature Financing Instruments and Opportunities: Summary Note on Financing for Climate and Nature

Assessment and Options Analysis of Climate and Nature Financing Instruments and Opportunities, May 2023 

PROBLUE and Biodiversity, May 2023

BE4RAP: Blue Economy for Resilient Africa, Solutions Papers, November 2023

Circularity in Plastics in South Africa - 10 Brief Series, June 2022

Plastic-Free Coastlines: Addressing Marine Plastic Pollution in Morocco and Tunisia, May 2022

Technologies and Solutions to Manage Plastic Waste in Small and Remote Islands: Using the TOPIC Toolbox for Islands in Malaysia, May 2022

FAQs: The World Bank’s Blue Economy Program and PROBLUE: Supporting integrated and sustainable economic development in healthy oceans

Strengthening Capacity on Ocean Governance

Oceans, Fisheries, and Coastal Economies



Blue Carbon in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), 2024

Oceans for Prosperity (LAUTRA), 2023

Connecting Social Protection and Fisheries Management for Sustainability, 2022

Supporting Action Against Marine Plastic Pollution: Overall Outcomes of MENA Blue Technical Support in Morocco and Tunisia, May 2022

Addressing Plastic Pollution is Part of Tunisia’s Vision to Develop the Blue Economy, May 2022

Addressing Marine Plastic Pollution will Help Morocco’s Blue Economy, May 2022

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Fisheries and Aquaculture, March 2022

Blue Carbon Rapid Assessment for Pakistan, June 2021

Preventing Marine Plastics: A Circularity Approach, May 2020


Fact sheets 

The World Bank Group's Support To The Global Plastic Pollution Agenda

Gender, Marginalized People and Marine Spatial Planning
(in French | in Portuguese)

Climate-Informed Marine Spatial Planning: Supporting Mitigation and Resilience 
(in French | in Portuguese)

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Marine Spatial Planning: Supporting Biodiversity and Healthy Ecosystem Services in Oceans and Coasts 
(in French | in Portuguese)

PROBLUE and Climate Change

PROBLUE and Gender Equality

PROBLUE’s Engagement with the Private Sector


Guidance Notes

Blue Tourism in Islands and Small Tourism-Dependent Coastal States : Tools and Recovery Strategies

Applying Economic Analysis to Marine Spatial Planning

Guidance Note for a Blue Public Expenditure Review

Marine Spatial Planning for a Resilient and Inclusive Blue Economy
Volume 1 | Volume 2

Blue Economy Data and Tools Catalogue

Blue Public Expenditure Review


Other Materials

StoryMap: Head Above Water, São Tomé and Príncipe's Path to Flood Resilience

Webpage: PROBLUE Global Engagement Forum, (last updated on June 2024)

Webpage: World Bank Group and the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution Process, January 2024

Podcast: Table for 10 Billion: The Global Potential of Seaweed Market, November 2023

Webpage: Blue Tourism Resource Portal, September 2023

Webpage: Integrating Landscape, Seascape, and Natural Capital Approaches for People, Planet, and Prosperity

eBook: WACA Plastics eBook

Webpage: Blue Economy for Resilient Africa Program

Webpage: Marine Spatial Planning for a Resilient and Inclusive Blue Economy Toolkit, November 2022

Policy Note: Connecting Social Protection and Fisheries Management for Sustainability: A Conceptual Framework, May 2022

Program Overview: PROBLUE: Supporting Integrated and Sustainable Development in Healthy Oceans, September 2022

Brochure: BEDF | The Blue Economy Development Framework: A Toolkit for A Sustainable Ocean Economy (in French | in Spanish)


Externally Supported Work 

Report: Taking Stock: Online Transparency of Fisheries Management Information, 2022

Infographic: Connecting social protection and fisheries management for sustainability, 2022

Press Release: ASEAN Member States Adopt Regional Action Plan to Tackle Plastic Pollution, May 2021

Video: The FiTI Standard - Defining what information on fisheries must be published online by governments, January 2021

Video: Sustainable fisheries need transparency! January 2021



PROBLUE Second Global Engagement Forum, June 2024

PLAST Toolkit User Training, June 2024

La zona costera en Colombia requiere de ayuda urgente, June 2024

Colombia, una potencia bioceánica sostenible, June 2024

Strengthening Coastal Resilience: West Africa Coastal Areas Program in São Tomé and Príncipe (Portuguese version), May 2024

Protecting Biodiversity in Ghana’s Wetlands: Planning, Land Titling, and Ecosystem Restoration, May 2024

Women in the Caribbean's Blue Economy, March 2024

Opportunities in the Caribbean's Blue Economy, March 2024

‘A Small Island Nation’: Pacific Island Fisheries Leaders Travel to Iceland, January 2024

How Is Plastic Pollution Linked to Poverty and Development?, November 2023

Raising awareness campaign "I am different" in Nepal, October 2023

Plastic Voices, July 2023

Blue Economy Resurgence: Revitalizing Ghana's Mangroves and Coastal Livelihoods, (5 minute version) June 2023

Blue Economy Resurgence: Revitalizing Ghana's Mangroves and Coastal Livelihoods, (8 minute version) June 2023

Blue Economy for Resilient Africa Program, November 2022

How is the World Bank Addressing Marine Pollution in Africa?, November 2022

Why Do We Need Financing for the Blue Economy in Africa?, November 2022

What Are the Pros and Cons of Marine Spatial Planning in Africa?, November 2022

A Single Use Plastics Free Maldives: Turning the Tide of Waste into Wealth, July 2022

Towards a national single use plastics roadmap in Vietnam: strategies and options for reducing priority single-use plastics, July 2022

Tackling Single-Use Plastic Pollution and Solid Waste in the City of Lagos With a Strong Ecosystem, June 2022

Plastic Free Coastlines: Regional Overivew, Morocco and Tunisia, May 2022

Sustainable Plastic Management is key to achieve Green Growth for Bangladesh, December 2021

ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris in the ASEAN Member States (2021-2025), May 2021

Meet the winners of the Plastic Circularity Innovation Challenge!, May 2021

Peter Thomson: Message to the Financial Community, October 2020

PROBLUE: Supporting the Development of Integrated, Sustainable and Healthy Marine & Coastal Resources, June 2020

Boosting Fisheries in Mozambique, March 2019



Impulsar la gobernanza azul para proteger las costas de Colombia, June 2024

Money matters: Advancing Earth Day's goals with a global plastics treaty, April 2024

The Blue Economy: An Ocean of Opportunity for Women, March 2024

Green shipping fuels made in South Africa, November 2023

Investing in natural capital for sustainable development in the Comoros, October 2023

Unlocking the potential of the seaweed sector for sustainable growth, August 2023

Lebanon: Baseline survey reveals alarming marine litter crisis, July 2023

Pricing emissions from shipping: Where should the money go?, June 2023

Plastic pollution in MENA oceans: Transboundary problem in need of transboundary solutions, June 2023

Creating sustainable ports in the Caribbean: A blueprint for Blue Ports, June 2023

The intersecting needs of women and mangroves in coastal Guinea, April 2023

Understanding the women mangrove nexus in coastal Ghana, April 2023

Restoring Guinea’s mangroves for coastal resilience, April 2023

Managing with mangroves: cost-effective coastline protection for Ghana, April 2023

Nature’s high returns, December 2022

Charting a green, resilient, and inclusive development path for Madagascar, November 2022

Unleashing the blue economy of the Eastern Caribbean, July 2022

Small islands in Southeast Asia: Awash in a sea of plastic, June 2022

Pakistan’s Coastal Ecosystem and Opportunities to Tackle Climate Change, June 2022

Global ocean governance is critical as climate hangs in the balance, May 2022

Using Marine Spatial Data to Inform Development Work and Public Policies, March 2022

Sri Lanka: Towards Sustainable Fisheries, December 2021

Protecting oceans from climate change impacts, November 2021

MENA joins forces to stop marine plastic pollution, March 2021

International Transport Costs: Why and How to Measure Them? January 2021

Fighting against a tide of marine plastic as COVID-19 worsens problem, December 2020

Investing in nature makes good economic sense, October 2020

Enabling Ecotourism Development in Cambodia, September 2020

Why We Need a Blue Recovery, June 2020

In Gaza, the Transformation of Fisheries Can Bring Jobs and Improve Livelihoods, June 2020

Plastics: The Coronavirus Could Reset the Clock, April 2020

Zero-emission Shipping: What’s in it for Developing Countries? February 2020

The Potential of the Blue Economy, July 2018

Innovation Drives Seychelles Blue Economy Approach, March 2018


Feature Stories

Charting A Course Toward Sustainable Marine Fisheries in Bangladesh, June 2024

Head Above Water: São Tomé and Príncipe's Path to Flood Resilience, December 2023

What You Need to Know About Blue Carbon, November 2023

“We are losing our treasure”: the West African coastal areas tackle plastic waste, July 2023

Fisheries Under Pressure - from Ghana to the Caribbean, March 2023

Securing Our Future Through Biodiversity, December 2022

Maldives Is Turning Waste to Wealth, Energizing Youth, to Safeguard its Future, July 2022

How social protection can support people and sustain fisheries, June 2022

Making Lagos a Pollution Free City: Solving the threat one solution at a time, June 2022

What you need to know About Oceans and Climate Change, February 2022

Charting a Course for Decarbonizing Maritime Transport, April 2021

Innovative Fisheries Insurance Benefits Caribbean Fisherfolk, September 2019


Press Releases

World Bank’s PROBLUE Ocean Trust Fund Extended to 2030, June 2024

Pacific fisheries experts on mission to learn from Iceland’s fisheries transformation, October 2023

World Bank Announces New Blue Economy Financing Program for African Countries, November 2022

A Roadmap to Stop Single-Use Plastic Pollution in Vietnam, July 2022

World Bank Provides US$56M to Support Sustainable Blue Economy Growth in the Eastern Caribbean, May 2, 2022

Sustainable Plastic Management is Key To Achieve Green Growth for Bangladesh, December 2021

World Bank Report: Investing in Protected Areas Reaps Big Rewards, June 2021

ASEAN Member States Adopt Regional Action Plan to Tackle Plastic Pollution, May 2021

World Bank Contest Brings Creative Solutions to Combat Plastic Pollution in Bangladesh, May 2021

New World Bank Research Finds Major Opportunities in Decarbonizing Maritime Transport, April 2021

World Bank Announces New Global Fund for Healthy Oceans, September 2018