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  • Powering Up Western and Central Africa

    Powering Up Western and Central Africa

    Access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy is not only a lifeline for people, but also an imperative to transform the continent. Here are some game changing projects that are making a real difference in powering the economies of the region.

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Results That Transform Lives and Economies

For many people in West and Central Africa, the absence of access to electricity or frequent power cuts are part of everyday life and create a bottleneck for economic activity.

Currently, more than 220 million people in the region—close to half the population—have no access to electricity, limiting their ability to operate businesses, generate income or receive adequate education and health services.

Access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy is not only a lifeline for people, but also an imperative to transform the continent.

Here are some game changing projects that are making a real difference in powering the economies of the region:

Stories, Opinions and Events


In Depth

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    Energy Sector

    Energy is at the heart of development. Energy makes possible the investments, innovations, and new industries that are the engines of jobs, inclusive growth, and shared prosperity for entire economies.

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    Energy-related Projects

    World Bank's projects focused on energy transmission, distribution and renewables in Western and Central Africa.

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    Documents & Reports on Energy

    Learn more about the challenges and possible solutions to energy distribution and development in Western and Central Africa from the world Bank's research and publications.



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Going Green: Scaling up access to clean electricity for over 17 million Nigerians
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Lights on in the Central African Republic | Danzi Solar Plant

With the support of the World Bank, the new 25-Megawatt solar park of Danzi will begin powering the homes and daily lives of 250,000 residents in the capital city of Bangui and its surroundings.
Tambacounda: The power interconnection project that is transforming an entire region
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Tambacounda: A Power Hub Energizing Change in West Africa

Thanks to the World Bank-funded OMVS Transmission Expansion Project a 225-kV power transmission infrastructure network has been built, connecting the power station in Kayes (Mali) to the one in Tambacounda (Senegal).
The World Bank
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Danzi: Largest Solar Power Plant in Central Africa

The second season of People First Podcast begins with a new episode dedicated to the Danzi solar park, the largest solar power plant in Central Africa.

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