Maputo, Mozambique: With support and technical assistance from the World Bank, Mozambique is now able to publicly share current deforestation data and results collected through the National Forest Inventory. These online data sharing and visualization platforms are a first for the country and make a significant contribution towards information sharing and transparency. Up to date, public data is critical for robust policy development, monitoring illegal and unstainable forest activity, and ongoing research and transparency. As such, the ILM Portfolio is pleased to share these important resources with a wider audience: National Forest Inventory results (by province) | Deforestation visualization platform
Maputo, Mozambique, April 2019: As the host of this year’s Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) Plenary—a global event that coordinates assistance to developing countries in identifying and improving gaps in forest monitoring—Mozambique showcased the country’s recent work in monitoring deforestation and emissions estimates. The multi-day event provided opportunity for the ILM Portfolio’s colleagues at the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development to share results and accomplishments—such as the $50 million Emissions Reductions Payment Agreement recently signed with the Forest Carbon Partnership Fund—while also seeking support from GFOI experts in areas such as policy development, data sharing, and Measurement, Reporting and Verification procedures. The GFOI Plenary sessions also assist in bridging the divide between science and policy both for forest management in Mozambique and around the world. Click here for more information:
Maputo, Mozambique, April 2019: Hack4Moz 2019 brings together students, leaders and experts to help identify innovative solutions to some of Mozambique’s greatest social, economic and environmental challenges. With support from the World Bank, Hack4Moz is running a series of events and activities—such as masterclasses, meet-ups, boot camps, and brainstorming sessions—to generate technology-based solutions that offer opportunity for entrepreneurship and private sector growth. The ILM Portfolio team is contributing information and expertise on Mozambique’s on Forests, Fisheries and Biodiversity, hoping to spur new initiatives to help curb deforestation and promote the sustainable use of Mozambique’s natural resources. Click here for more information:
Maputo, Mozambique, March, 2019: Representatives from the Government of Mozambique, along with ILM team members, participated in a workshop focused on unlocking private sector finance in sustainable landscape management co-hosted by the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the International Emissions Trading Association. This workshop presented an opportunity to discuss the work of the Mozambique ILM portfolio improving livelihoods in the country’s most vulnerable rural communities and some of the ways in which small- to medium-sized enterprises and smallholders are supported through this work, as well as explore new ways to collaborate with private sector actors.
Maputo, Mozambique, March 14th, 2019: The World Bank participated in a Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) workshop hosted by a dedicated working group that is receiving ongoing support under the Bank’s Integrated Landscape Management Portfolio. Bringing together a diverse range of key stakeholders and decision makers in rural development—from high level government representatives, to community members, non-profit organizations and universities—the working group is the result of a Bank-supported CBNRM Conference in held in Maputo in 2018. In Mozambique, CBNRM is recognized as one of the most important tools for promoting sustainable rural development and the working group is currently developing a National CBNRM Program that will consolidate the country’s CBNRM approach and create a network of experts to continuously support community groups and build natural resource management capacity.
Washington, DC, March 14, 2019: The One Planet Summit webpage was launched this week, with the first story featuring Biodiversity in Africa. Mozambique, Gabon, Tanzania and South Africa, are each part of a series that will run ahead of the third edition of the One Planet Summit which will take place in Nairobi, Kenya, on March 14, 2019. The Summit brings together global leaders, entrepreneurs, international organizations, and civil society, to help accelerate and focus attention on climate investments in line with the Paris Agreement objectives. For more information click here. Watch the video.
Maputo, Mozambique, March 4th, 2019: In honor of World Wildlife Day, the ILM Portfolio teamed up with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Conservation Society to present a film and debate on wildlife conservation in Mozambique. Produced by our partners at the Global Wildlife Program and set in the Niassa National Reserve in north-west Mozambique, the video depicts the selfless efforts of rangers to combat poaching in the country's largest conservation area. Participant discussion centered on effective protected area management and support to rangers and local people so that the country can continue to protect its wildlife and biodiversity while also engaging the surrounding communities and stakeholders—key concerns of the World Bank in Mozambique. Partnerships and collaboration are at the heart of all ILM Portfolio projects and events such as these offer important opportunities to share knowledge and strengthen networks with organizations striving for the collective goal of enhancing sustainable rural development in Mozambique.
Washington, DC, February, 2019: The Mozambique Conservation Areas for Biodiversity (MozBio) team, was recognized in the World Bank’s Stories of Impact Competition for their “remarkable use of community approach in a project”. MozBio’s story about empowering women in a very poor community in Mozambique through beekeeping and adopting an integrated landscape approach stood out as a model for other projects to follow. By shifting production from men to women and adopting new practices and technologies at the local level, the team developed a network of Leading Beekeepers, trained to support others within the local community. Congratulations to the team!
Macaneta, Mozambique, February 18 - 19, 2019: World Bank Mozambique Environment, Agriculture and Land teams joined the National Sustainable Development Fund (FNDS), a Government of Mozambique development fund - jointly led by the Ministries of Environment, Land and Rural Development and Economy and Finance - to strengthen the strategic relationship between the teams and to promote the integrated and resilient development strategies and actions for the implementation of the Integrated Landscape Management Portfolio.
South Africa & Mozambique, February 10 – 13, 2019: Mark Lundell, Country Director, Mozambique and Erwin De Nys, Program Leader for South Africa, visited the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation Area to Discuss a strategy for rural development, conservation and regional cooperation in the area. An opportunity to strengthen knowledge related to integrated landscape management, biodiversity conservation, blue economy and community development.
Maputo, Mozambique, February, 2019: Mozambique and the World Bank have signed a landmark agreement that rewards community efforts to reduce carbon emissions by tackling deforestation and forest degradation. Covering 43% of the country, Mozambique's natural forests are an important source of employment, income, and livelihoods in Mozambique’s rural areas — and we want ensure they remain healthy and profitable for the future. For more information please read our press release, project page, and blog by Karin Kaechele: Creating opportunities for a new forestry economy in Mozambique
Maputo, Mozambique, December 18, 2018: Mozambique officially launching the results of the National Forest Inventory and the Deforestation assessment Report. These results will serve as the means for reconciling available forest resources with the national priorities defined by the Government of Mozambique. For more information click here
Bonn, Germany, December 2, 2018: The session “Landscape Programs in Action: Experiences from the Field,” during the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) event, provided an opportunity to advance dialogue among partners in the Mozambique Portfolio. The event was opened by Karin Kemper (Senior Director) and moderated by Garo Batmanian (Lead for Forests and Landscapes) with the participation of a delegation from Mexico, Brazil, and Mozambique. Our Natural Resources Specialist Joao Moura, focused on the overall framework of the Zambezia Integrated Landscape Program, emphasizing the benefits and challenges of deploying several instruments in the same landscape in a programmatic approach. Faruk Tavares, from the National Sustainable Development Fund (FNDS-MITADER) responsible for coordinating forest-related activities in Zambezia, followed with a presentation discussing how the program translates into day-to-day work, with a focus on sustainable small-scale commercial plantation development and promotion of agroforestry systems. Learn More
Pemba - Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, September 9, 2018: The MozDGM project was launched and the event brought together representatives of the Government, civil society, community leaders, members of communities and other partners. Designed by members of civil society and local community leaders, with technical support from the World Bank and funded by the Forest Investment Program (FIP), MozDGM aims to empower communities to participate in decision-making on the use of their natural resources, manage their resources sustainably, and to capture the benefits from doing so. For more information click here
Brazil, August 27 to September 1, 2018: A group from Southern Africa Countries went to Brazil to share experiences on protected areas management, biodiversity financing, and local community development. An opportunity to strengthen knowledge and create space for discussion on innovative and sustainable financing models for Protected Areas. Please read event report
Maputo, Mozambique, June 7-9, 2018: The President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi and Country Director of the World Bank, Mark Lundell opened the International Conference on Nature-Based Tourism, on June 7th, which took place in Maputo City. The opening ceremony was witnessed by more than 600 people from around 30 countries. The goal of the conference is to explore opportunities to maximize finance for Nature-Based Tourism and promote long-term public-private partnerships that deliver benefits for people and wildlife. For more information check out the event page.