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Mozambique's Integrated Landscape Management Portfolio (ILM)

Enhancing the living conditions of rural communities and promoting sustainable natural resource management through a cross-sectoral portfolio of projects.

Mozambique's Integrated Landscape Management Portfolio (ILM) brings together a series of projects to promote the sustainable management of renewable natural resources (forests, wildlife, land, and fisheries) and improve livelihoods in the country’s most vulnerable rural communities.

In a country where over 70% of households rely on natural resources, the ILM Portfolio is promoting a healthy coexistence between humans and nature by tackling deforestation and resource exploitation, together with challenges such as rural poverty, community rights and land management.

Combining on-ground investments, technical assistance, analytical work and results-based finance, the over USD $500 million Portfolio assists the Government of Mozambique in improving the livelihood of rural communities, in promoting small and medium businesses linked to agriculture and natural resources, with an emphasis on women and youth, and promotes sustainable management of natural resources, including curbing deforestation, illegal timber and wildlife trade and resource degradation.


By managing the projects collectively under one well-coordinated umbrella, the ILM Portfolio takes advantage of shared knowledge and resources, facilitating cross-sectoral coordination and dialogue. The result is greater national capacity in natural resource and protected area management, as well as environmental, social and economic benefits that extend far beyond the lifecycle of the projects.

Recognizing the inextricable links between forests, natural resources (such as healthy soils and clean water) and the value chains that depend on them (such as agriculture, timber and tourism), the ILM Portfolio collectively manages several projects, each with a specific focus:

Agriculture & Natural Resources Landscape Management (SUSTENTA)

The SUSTENTA Program became a government platform which has the approach to integrate management of agriculture and natural resources, stimulate the economy and improve the quality of life of rural families. Through the integration of families in the development of sustainable value chains, and sustainable management of natural resources and land.

Conservations Areas for Biodiversity & Development Project (MozBio)

Supporting Mozambique's network of national parks and reserves, while enhancing livelihoods in and around these areas, MozBio is strengthening management capacity and promoting nature-based tourism, to create business opportunities and livelihood activities that focus on conservation and biodiversity.

Conservation Areas for Biodiversity and Development – (MozBio Phase 2)

The second phase of the Government of Mozambique’s Conservation Areas for Biodiversity and Development Project, known as Mozbio (Phase 2) will help improve the livelihood of local communities living around Conservation Areas (CAs) and support the conservation of Mozambique’s wildlife, biodiversity, and ecosystems.

Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Local Communities (DGM)

The DGM provides grants to local communities and Civil Society Organizations to assist them in participating in sustainable forest and land management and REDD+ processes at local, national and global levels.

FCPF REDD+ Readiness Preparation Support

The project aims to contribute to the adoption of national REDD+ strategy and of the national legal and institutional framework for REDD+.

Mozambique Forest Investment Project (MozFIP)

MozFIP is improving forest governance and promoting sustainable forest and landscape management. Supporting activities that reduce deforestation and promote rural development, the project established a performance-based commercial plantation scheme to encourage smallholder engagement in commercial forestry, facilitate market access and provide technical support. 

Mozambique Land Administration Project - Terra Segura - (MozLand)

The Project Development Objective is to strengthen land use rights in selected districts and improve the efficiency and accessibility of land administration services in Mozambique.

Northern Mozambique Rural Resilience Project (MozNorte) aims to improve incomes and build social and economic resilience of local communities in selected rural areas of Northern Mozambique. The operation will contribute to improving access to livelihood opportunities for rural communities affected or at risk of being affected by conflict. It will invest in improved management of natural resources, including forestry, fisheries, biodiversity, and soil, adopting community-driven and climate-sensitive approaches to improve management of natural resources on which rural livelihoods depend.

Sustainable Fishing in the South West Indian Ocean (SWIOFish1)

SWIOFish1-MZ is part of a regional collaboration working to reduce resource degradation and strengthen fisheries management in countries bordering the Indian Ocean. The project is working to coordinate regional fisheries management, increase economic benefits and reduce species-specific pressure by supporting catch diversification and improve governance through public policies interventions.

Sustainable Rural Economy Program (MozRural, Phase 1) will provide support to small agriculture producers and fisheries to increase their productivity and access to markets and help MSMEs improve their sales while promoting the adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices. The geographic focus of Phase 1 are the provinces of Sofala, Manica, Tete, Zambezia, Nampula and Niassa.

Zambezia Emissions Reductions Project

The Carbon Fund of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) will pay Zambezia for success in mitigating climate change by reducing the ongoing high loss of forest cover and reducing the emissions of greenhouses gases.

Knowledge exchange is an integral part of the ILM Portfolio programmatic approach. Below are some highlights of our work:






Press Releases

World Bank Scales Up Support for Mozambique in the Wake of Food Security
Maputo, October 2022
The ILM Portfolio is happy to share news about an IDA additional finance of $54 million grant to support for the MozRural Project. This focus of the Food Security Additional Financing will be to improve the performance of targeted small agriculture producers and agro-industrial micro, small and medium enterprises, and improve natural resources management practices in selected project areas.
With about 67% of the country´s population living in rural areas and rely on natural resources for their livelihood, this is a great opportunity to increase and diversify incomes while also rehabilitating and protecting ecosystems.

Maputo National Park (MNP) Administrator, Miguel Gonçalves, Wins Tusk Award for Conservation
Maputo, October 2022
The award celebrates African-based conservation leaders and wildlife rangers, and their significant impacts in the field. Miguel has worked within the Maputo National Park since 1999, becoming Park Warden in 2008. I believe in the work that I do passionately. I can see the difference the team has made over the last 12 years and the impact we have had on the surrounding communities, who are our foremost partners in the landscape, says Miguel.
MozBio Project is working in the Maputo National Park by promoting a sustainable integrated landscape management and inspiring conservation attitudes to support local livelihoods and stimulate economic growth.

Mission supporting the Mozambique´s Blue Economy Strategy
Maputo, September 2022
An technical mission to support the development of Mozambique's National Blue Economy Strategy (EDEA) was held in Mozambique from September 12 to 23. This technical support is financed by PROBLUE MDTF and intends to fill knowledge gaps related to climate change mitigation and adaptation actions, and priority areas for private sector engagement for the implementation of the EDEA. The mission team visited Maputo and Beira and held bilateral meetings with key members of the national and local Government, private sector, and civil society organizations involved in the blue economy. A workshop to discuss and validate the results of the Blue Economy Sector Classification and the finalization of the EDEA was also held. The Team discussed priority areas for the second phase of the World Bank's technical assistance program for the blue economy in Mozambique (MozAzul) and took advantage of this visit to held technical meetings on mangrove conservation and restoration activities related to the MozNorte Project.

Mozambique hosted the regional conference on the sustainable management of Miombo Forests
Maputo, August 2022
With support from the World Bank and other partners, Mozambique has emerged as a leader in the Africa region to promote the protection and restoration of the Miombo forest system. The country hosted in August 2022 a regional conference on the sustainable management of the Miombo Forests which culminated with the adoption of the Maputo declaration (along with seven other countries - Zimbabwe, Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia) to take decisive action on the conservation of Miombo woodlands, including the development of REDD+ program schemes to attract additional financing for this purpose.  The conference aimed to capitalize on and promote regional partnerships for sustainable and integrated management of Miombo forests, to discuss the current conditions of miombo woodlands in the region and define joint strategies for its protection. Bringing together a diverse range of key stakeholders and decision makers in the forest sector - from high level government representatives and partners to community members and non-profit organizations, the event was a great opportunity to showcase the results of the country’s Emission Reductions Payment Agreement (ERPA) with the FCPF that could unlock up to $50 million for reducing up to 10 million tons of C02 emissions in Mozambique’s Zambezia Province by the end of 2024.

2022 Un Ocean Conference Side Event Co-Hosted by Governments of Mozambique and Kenya
Maputo, June 2022
The cross-border nature of the Western Indian Ocean and the increasing challenges stemming from unsustainable ocean use, marine pollution, and climate change, require harmonized and concerted approaches. To mitigate these challenges, the Government of Mozambique and Kenya co-hosted the side event ´Regional Blue Dialogue and Action` on the 2022 UN conference that took place on 27 June – 1 July 2022, in Lisbon / Portugal, to discuss innovative and financing mechanisms catalyzing the transition to an inclusive and sustainable blue economy in the WIO region. It will also present progress on blue economy efforts from countries in the region; discuss the role of innovative financing mechanisms for regional, national, and local action and how to scale and catalase community-driven blue economies across the region through incubation support. The event will conclude with a call for action on how further collaboration can leverage sustainable ocean governance and blue economy solutions in the WIO region.

Empowering communities to take ownership over the natural resources
Maputo, May 2022
In a country where most of the population lives in rural areas and relies on agriculture for daily subsistence and income, small-scale endeavors led by community-based organizations (CBO) have the potential to significantly leverage rural development, provide livelihoods while at the same time foster sustainable land use and natural resource management. In Namnada District, Zambézia Province, MozDGM project is supporting Egumi Dioroma Association to diversify its income while contribute to the reduction of deforestation. The initiative includes technical assistance for the 16 community members, of which 6 are women, for the creation of broilers, as well as feed and medicines. In addition, the association also received 150 chanfuta seeds (a species of African tree) that will be planted in the region aiming at reducing rural poverty and deforestation rates.

Maputo, March 2022
In a country where most of the population lives in rural areas and relies on agriculture for daily subsistence and income, small-scale endeavors led by community-based organizations (CBO) have the potential to significantly leverage rural development, provide livelihoods while at the same time foster sustainable land use and natural resource management. In Mareja District, Cabo Delgado Province, the MozDGM project is supporting local communities to promote good beekeeping practices for sustainable apiculture. The initiative, which aims at reducing rural poverty and deforestation rates, includes a partnership with a private wholesaler to increase market access and institutional support for the CBO. Honey production is being carried out by community harvesters, who receive training and capacity building, beehives, and additional resources to promote sustainable honey production. The MozDGM project currently finances 19 small-scale initiatives covering over 1.350 direct beneficiaries in Cabo Delgado and Zambezia. 

Maputo, February 2022
Mozambique’s 34 million hectares of forests generate an annual GDP of US$330 million and employs around 22,000 workers directly. However, levels of deforestation and unsustainable logging remain alarming. The country loses around 267 thousand hectares of forests annually, threatening the livelihoods of rural communities, biodiversity and causing the loss of revenue for the government. With support and technical assistance from the World Bank financed MozFip Project, the public consultations of the forest law was launched representing a step towards greater transparency and accountability in the forest management, enabling the opportunity for Mozambique to adopt a policy that is better aligned with the country’s current and future challenges. 

Maputo, December 2021
On December, the Council of Ministers approved a new Decree creating the Maputo National Park (MNP), as a part of the integrated program of the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation Area that includes, in addition to Mozambique, South Africa and eSwatini. With the enshrinement of these two distinct conservation areas in a National Park, the the GoM aims to increase the conservation and integrated management of one of the most important areas for plant endemism and coastal biodiversity in south-eastern Africa that plays an important role in the provision of environmental services for local communities and the economy.

Maputo, November 2021
With support from the World Bank and other partners, Mozambique hosted on Nov. 18-19 the second international conference on sustainable blue economy development. Bringing together roughly 1,500 delegates from around the world attended in person and virtually, including practitioners, experts, and stakeholders, the 2021 Growing Blue Conference was an opportunity to share experiences and identify best practices for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and ecosystem health through the sustainable use of ocean resources.

Maputo, October, 2021
Mozambique has become the first country to receive payments from a World Bank trust fund for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. The FCPF paid Mozambique $6.4 million for reducing 1.28 million tons of carbon emissions since 2019. The payment is the first of four under the country’s ERPA program with the FCPF that could unlock up to $50 million for reducing up to 10 million tons of C02 emissions in Mozambique’s Zambézia Province by the end of 2024.

Maputo, August 2021
The ILM Portfolio is happy to introduce MozNorte and SREP—the Portfolio's newest projects. Both operations will be implemented in an integrated approach by the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER), Land and Environment (MTA) and Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP).

Maputo, July 2021
In a country where over 20% of livelihoods rely on fisheries, the approval of the CNAP is a major step towards promoting the efficient and sustainable management of fishing stocks and ecosystems. The new regulation aims to define the statute and competences of the CNAP (advisory council for the participatory management of fisheries resources) to coordinate efforts for the sustainable use of the country´s fishery resources. The World Bank in Mozambique has been supporting fisheries management and value chain development initiatives through the SWIOFish program.

Maputo, May 2021
More than 2,500 hectares of forests have been planted or restored in Zambézia province, as a result of the Planted Forest Grant Scheme (PFGS), funded by the World Bank’s MozFIP Project. By supporting small and medium commercial tree plantations, the Planted Forest Grant Scheme hopes to boost the forestry sector, increase rural incomes and mitigate climate change by promoting sustainable plantations and restore hectares of degraded forests. “With the guidance and supervision of a project technician, my trees are now 4 meters long,” says Fabião Rosário, PACE do Alto-Molócuè and beneficiary of the project. “Now I know that I am not only investing to improve my quality of life in the future, but also to help fight erosion and make the environment fresher and better.” The PFGS is encouraging smallholder engagement in commercial forestry, facilitating market access and providing technical support in nine districts of Zambézia Province.

Maputo,  March 2021
The National Steering Committee of MozDGM, a project under the ILM Portfolio, has approved 18 community projects for the development of agriculture and forestry businesses in the provinces of Zambézia and Cabo Delgado. The nine projects in Zambézia and nine in Cabo Delgado have begun implementation, covering the value chains of several key products – honey, poultry, native and coconut wood, tourism, cashew, horticulture and cereals. Designed by members of civil society and local community leaders, with technical support from the World Bank and funded by the Forest Investment Program, MozDGM will also provide technical and skills-based trainings to community associations on governance, natural resources management and business development.

Maputo, February 2021
Improving land tenure by encouraging land registration and land use planning is a key objective of the ILM Portfolio. Through the MozFIP and Sustenta projects, the ILM Portfolio is working with the GoM and Verde Azul to implement the Terra Segura program. So far, more than 350 communities in the provinces of Zambézia and Nampula have been delimited, and morethan 297,000 land use right titles issued. Of these title owners, 53.4% are female. ”Thanks to the project I registered my land. Now I am ease, the DUAT title is in my name and the government already knows this” says Regina Mussaela, a Small Emerging Commercial Farmer (PACE) who is a beneficiary of this land regularization activity in the Zambézia province. Click here to see the maps of the districts and communities covered by the project.

The ILM Portfolio works closely with both the public and private sectors and maintains strong working relationships with key development partners in Mozambique.

In 2016, after several partners expressed interest in deepening collaboration in the forestry agenda by increasing their financial contribution, the Bank created a Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Integrated Landscape and Forest Management.

Currently, the following agencies and programs are engaged with the ILM Portfolio:

  • Government of Mozambique
  • Government of Sweden
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
  • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
  • European Union
  • KfW Group
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
  • Peace Parks Foundation

Integrated Landscape and Forest Management in Mozambique

At a time when an integrated approach to natural resource and forest management is gaining prominence worldwide, the Government of Mozambique places sustainable management of natural resources and forests as a priority in its governance efforts, as reflected in the Government’s Five Year Plan 2015-2019 and in the National Sustainable Development Program (NSDP). Sustainable management of natural resources and forests contributes to improving the lives of rural communities.

MDTF Annual Report 2021

Mozambique hosts the fourth longest coastline in Africa, harboring some of the most spectacular coral reefs in the world and several highly productive estuaries, significant energy resources, water, and gas including recently discovered natural gas offshore. Recognizing the need to promote the conservation, restoration, valorization and sustainable use of forests, the government of Mozambique (GoM), led by the Ministry of Land, and Environment (MTA) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER) is implementing a growing portfolio of Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) investment activities and policy reforms. ILM seeks to ensure an equitable and sustainable use of land to support rural livelihoods, while strengthening the health and resilience of the surrounding landscapes. Implementation of MDTF activities in 2021 continued to be largely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This Annual progress report presents progress, achievements, challenges of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) for Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) in Mozambique for 2021, as well a proposed way forward.


Franka Braun

Senior Natural Resource Management Specialist
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