When publishing socioeconomic survey data, survey programs implement a variety of statistical methods designed to preserve privacy but which come at the cost of distorting the data.
World Bank survey experts Talip Kilic and Siobhan Murray, together with experts from the University of Arizona, explore how spatial anonymization methods preserve privacy in the large-scale surveys, supported by the World Bank Living Standards Measurement Study-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA), introduce measurement error in econometric estimates, when the survey data is integrated with remote sensing weather data. Guided by a pre-analysis plan, they produce 90 linked weather-household datasets that vary by the spatial anonymization method and the remote sensing weather product.
Highlights of the article:
Living Standards Measurement Study

Research Article
Privacy protection, measurement error, and the integration of remote sensing and socioeconomic survey data
(Published in the Journal of Development Economics) Jeffrey D. Michler, Anna Josephson, Talip Kilic, Siobhan Murray