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Living Standards Measurement Study

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The World Bank

The LSMS-led Center for Development Data (C4D2) is a Rome-based hub with a mission to facilitate the production of high-quality, timely, relevant microdata for evidence-based policymaking and investment decisions to achieve poverty reduction, food security, and growth.

The Center achieves its mission through strategic partnerships and tactical fundraising. Its strategic location in the Mediterranean facilitates its work with countries in Africa and the Middle East and cements stronger partnerships with Italian and European institutions, including the United Nations’ Rome-based agencies on food, agriculture, and rural development, namely the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the World Food Programme (WFP).

The C4D2 hosts The Rome Program on Jobs, Labor Mobility and Sustainable Development (Rome JLMSD Program), under the Jobs Group of the Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice (SPJ). The Jobs Group holds the Secretariat to the Jobs MDTF, which works under the auspices of the World Bank’s Bank-wide multi-GP Jobs Group Steering Committee.

C4D2 also hosts the Program Management Team of the 50x2030 Initiative to close the agricultural data gap, a multi-partner program that seeks to bridge the global agricultural data gap by transforming country data systems in 50 countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America by 2030.


Capacity Development

Supporting partners through regional training centers and local institutions

The C4D2-Training initiative provides statisticians in developing countries with specialized training in the collection, analysis, and use of household surveys and other microdata. Funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), the initiative aims to improve and harmonize the curricula of regional statistical training centers, facilitate the uptake of global standards and best practices in household survey design, create a network of household survey experts at the regional level, and promote harmonization across countries. C4D2-Training organizes training courses, thematic workshops on specialized topics, as well as short courses and seminars.


Methodological and Policy Research

Improving quality, cost-effectiveness, accessibility, and use of multi-topic household survey data  

C4D2 spearheads a rigorous program of methodological research to increase the accuracy and cost-effectiveness of household and other types of survey data for sustainable development. While the thematic areas of focus are continuously evolving to meet evolving demands and policy priorities, research on agricultural survey methods, food security, jobs and labor mobility are at the core of the work of the centers. Staff at the Center also work on a host of other topics, including the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, the design and implementation of High-Frequency Phone Surveys, disability data and more. 


Technical Assistance

Working with operations to design and implement surveys

C4D2’s research and capacity development work programs are closely linked to operational activities, mainly the delivery of technical assistance to institutions in client countries in Sub-Saharan African and the Middle-East and North Africa Regions. Staff at the center are active in technical assistance project throughout these regions, including activities in – among other countries - Algeria, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda.


Download the C4D2 brochure
