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Global Program on GovTech & Public Sector Innovation

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Working Groups Overview

The Bank launched GovTech Working Groups to provide thought leadership, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and support the development of sound GovTech solutions. Community building and impact-driven collaboration are the core objective of this initiative.

Through these Working Groups, the Bank convenes experts from governmental and non-governmental stakeholders worldwide. Working Group members co-develop knowledge products that assemble and advance experience and expertise on a technical GovTech workstream. Products may include playbooks, how-to-notes notes, surveys, and benchmarks.

Currently there are three working groups, each arranged around a technical GovTech workstream:

  • Cloud computing working groups

    Cloud computing has become almost ubiquitous for governments to navigate digital transformation. There are considerable opportunities for efficiency, scalability, inclusion, and sustainability. Risks and challenges also need to be considered, such as issues with data privacy and sovereignty, cyber security, or vendor lock-in. Read more

  • Interoperability GovTech working groups

    Whole-of-government approaches are a requirement for citizen and data-driven policy. Interoperability plays a crucial role in enabling administrations to overcome siloed practices towards coordinated, connected, and responsive public sectors capable of better responding to the increasing demands of our economies and societies. Read more

  • Mobile Gov, GovTech

    Given the high levels of mobile phone penetration worldwide, Mobile Government (mGov) is an increasingly important for digital government transition. There is enormous potential for developed and developing countries. mGov can be highly effective in enhancing Government services and improving Citizen-Government interactions. Read more