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BRIEFMarch 12, 2025

Foreign Direct Investment in Egypt

Country: Egypt

Themes: Strengthening the Business Enabling Environment

Cross Cutting Themes: Digital

Anticipated Impact Areas: Quality Jobs, Private Investment


The Challange

The proposed development objective of this project is to influence GoE’s programs to enhance private sector participation in international value chains and to create a platform for institutional coordination of such initiatives.

The Mission

Under the Egypt PforR, the World Bank was able to unveil the complex ownership structures of state holding groups and contribute to crafting ownership policy as part of the reforms. The World Bank also provided detailed comments on the draft of the state ownership policy law and contributed to the reform agenda, including with respect to (i) the creation of an ownership agency and (ii) separation of ownership from regulatory functions. The World Bank prepared a note to recommend to the IFC transaction team which preconditions should be met to enable private sector participation in the context of an asset monetization program.