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BRIEFJanuary 20, 2025

Angola: Accelerating Economic Diversification and Job Creation

Country: Angola

Themes: Strengthening the Business Enabling Environment, Expanding Access to Competitive Contestable Markets

Cross Cutting Themes: Gender, Climate

Anticipated Impact Areas: Quality Jobs, Private Investment

The challenge

The oil crises and the COVID19 exposed the unsustainability of Angola’ growth model.  Oil still represents over 60 percent of fiscal revenues, 33 percent of GDP, and over 90 percent of exports. Export diversification could boost per capita GDP by about 3.3 percent in the long run. Angola aims to transition to a more inclusive and sustainable growth model, anchored in private sector-led economic transformation.


C-JET activities undertook analysis of non-oil value chains with the greatest potential to attract investment, create jobs (especially for women), and diversify exports in the Lobito corridor. These activities supported the design of the Accelerating Economic Diversification and Job Creation Project  in the areas of value chain, competitiveness and job impact in selected provinces of key economic corridors. C-JET funded several studies on the state of value chains and economic activity the Lobito corridor including an analysis on the competitiveness of local ecosystems. The analysis found the importance of simplifying bureaucratic processes at the sub-national level aiming to create a more business-friendly environment. Some potential value chains for investment included corn and beans as priority clusters in cereals and legumes and bananas. The importance of quality infrastructure investment in food safety for producers as well to develop local programs for certification were underscored in the analysis.