In Africa, women are less productive farmers than their male peers. This is because women are concentrated in
1. World Bank, Cote d’Ivoire Agricultural Support Project
Working with the Ministry of Agriculture in Cote d’Ivoire, the World Bank has proposed two evaluations, the first of which will be geared towards understanding how best to structure agricultural extension and training for crops with long pre-bearing periods (such as rubber) in the context of present-biased farmer preferences. The second proposed evaluation is on the impact of mechanization, a topic of particular interest for the cotton value-chain. This project may include a pilot on how to incentivize female farmers to become cotton producers. Additionally, it might include introducing a quota system in cooperatives/producer organizations, as well as informational media campaigns with different contents (e.g., transmission of information purely on economic returns of becoming a cotton producer with and without the inclusion of content explicitly addressing cultural/social norms hindering women’s participation in cotton production).
2. World Bank
This project will consist of an in-depth quantitative and qualitative study of formal employment in the cashew processing industry in Côte d’Ivoire. There is a growing body of evidence, particularly from Sub-Saharan Africa, that extended kin networks lead individuals to engage in costly strategies to conceal income from their kin, leading to suboptimal economic outcomes. However, the current evidence comes from framed lab experiments rather than real-world settings. The cashew processing industry offers ideal characteristics for evaluating the effects of this social pressure to redistribute income on female employees’ workplace-level outcomes,
Moreover, this project will allow us to measure impacts on processing plants’ overall productivity, welfare consequences to the social network as a whole of easing redistribution constraints, as well as the effect of increasing women’s autonomy over their income on gender dynamics in the household. The anticipated interventions will include introducing direct deposit of wages into workers’ private bank accounts; savings freezes and/or earmarking, and individually varying workers’ paydays to maximize income confidentiality. The results of the study will add to our current understanding of the relationship between workplace performance and incentives in formal sector wage jobs in Sub-Saharan Africa.
PARRSA seeks to revitalize DRC’s agricultural sector by raising productivity and production, encouraging agro-industry, and improving marketing channels. The experimental impact evaluation will examine the project's regeneration of the market for improved seeds, the diffusion of improved farming practices through agricultural extension, and the improvement of rural roads infrastructure - analyzing how male and female farmers learn about new technologies and access markets.
4. USAID, Ethiopia Women Agribusiness Leaders Network (WALN)
5. World Bank, Ethiopia Rural Capacity Building Project and Farmer’s Innovation Fund (FIF):
This project focuses on improving and enhancing the delivery of agricultural extension service systems throughout Ethiopia. The evaluation will assess how training delivery agents and upgrading farmer training systems impact farmer productivity. GIL is using in-depth data on farming practices to investigate access to extension services and identify ways to share agricultural information with female farmers in order to narrow the gender productivity gap.
A sub-component of the Rural Capacity Building Project, FIF is an intervention that involves farmers who group themselves to decide on training methodology options and innovative pilot approaches. The evaluation will assess the impact of FIF on technology adoption and productivity.
6. World Bank, Ethiopia Food Security Program (FSP):
This World Bank-funded program offered recurring loans to vulnerable households in food-insecure communities in Ethiopia. Initial analysis of program data suggests that the intervention had higher impacts for female-headed households, who enjoyed increased food security and diversified their economic activities by expanding to off-farm work.
7. World Bank, Ghana Out-Grower Contracts for Small Holder Rice Farms, GADCO:
WIENCO, one of the major rice producers in Ghana, has set up an
Rural households in Sub-Saharan Africa face a number of binding constraints in agricultural production, including access to quality land, irrigation, and complementary inputs such as improved seeds and fertilizer. Where households do not cooperate fully in their
First, access to an irrigated plot of land via
*Formerly Ghana Commercial Agriculture Project (GCAP)
9. World Bank, Ghana Gender, Insurance and Agricultural Productivity
To provide rigorous evidence as to whether the provision of extension,
10. World Bank, Niger Texting for Change: Mobiles,
This research project seeks to understand how mobile phone technology can be used to promote savings in rural Niger, with a particular focus on savings for an important religious holiday. In particular, the purpose of this research is to provide insights into whether SMS reminders about savings goals can increase women's and men's ability to save, thereby minimizing the need to sell other assets.
11. World Bank, Niger Export and Agro-pastoral Market Development Project (PRODEX)
PRODEX seeks to increase the value of targeted agro-pastoral export products, with a broader view towards boosting incomes of project-supported producers and stimulating agricultural growth. The impact evaluation analyzes the effects of support services (training, access to credit, market facilitation and technical assistance) delivered to farming and livestock groups via matching grants. The impact evaluation will offer evidence on whether targeted support to female farmer groups has a disproportionately higher impact on their farm yields and sales revenue.
12. USAID, Nigeria Feed the Future Nutrition and Livelihood Program
This project targets vulnerable households in Northern Nigeria, particularly female members, by providing financial products and in-kind asset transfers to assist them in moving away from subsistence agriculture and into the market. The key outcomes of interest for this evaluation
* Formerly Supporting Vulnerable Households for Accelerate Revenue and Earnings (SHARE)
13. BRAC and World Bank, Uganda Orange Flesh Sweet Potato Project
This project takes an integrated approach to improving nutrition and food security for children, adolescent girls and women of childbearing age by increasing smallholders’ adoption, production and consumption of a nutrient-rich staple crop. The impact evaluation will examine the relative effectiveness of different interventions addressing market and nonmarket barriers, including agriculture extension and input provision, produce marketing services,
14. World Bank and IFPRI, Uganda Farm and Family Balance
This project aims to measure