European Union, World Bank and Government of Georgia Finance Imrovements in Housing and Infrastucture for Conflict Affected People

December 10, 2010

10 December, 2010, TBILISI. The European Union, the World Bank and the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia have announced today about a joint project totaling around € 4,9 million. This project will support improvements of the IDP housing and infrastructure for people affected by the conflict of August 2008. A total number of 3,964 IDPs in the districts of Gori, Kareli, Kaspi, and Mtskheta will benefit from different kinds of improvements. These include:

  • Improve the physical conditions of walls, and floors in 1,263 houses
  • Amelioration of the water standpipe system and increase the volume of water
  • Rehabilitation of drainage channels
  • Improvement of the solid –waste collection system. Around 133 solid waste containers will be installed and trucks purchased
  • Rehabilitation of the bridge at Mtkvari River leading to Akhalsopeli settlement benefitting the old and new settlements.

The World Bank is acting as administrator of this trust fund. The European Union is co-funding these works with a grant of €3 million, and the WB is co-funding the project with a contribution of around €1,9 million, on top of the original €6 million which was spent in 2008-2009 for the construction of 783 houses in 8 settlements. The project is being carried out by the Georgia Municipal Development Fund (MDF) under the framework of the Regional and Municipal Infrastructure Development Project funded by the World Bank.

The ceremony was attended by Mr. Ramaz Nikolaishvili, Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure, Mr. Asad Alam, World Bank Regional Director for the South Caucasus and Mr. François Massoulie, the Chargé d'Affaires a.i., Delegation of the European Union to Georgia.

François Massoulie pointed out: "When it comes to people, the European Union doesn't spare any effort. Incessantly, we have been supporting people affected by the conflict. Providing them with a shelter means a lot, but the European Union wants to go further and ensure a dignified housing."

“The Government of Georgia has made significant accomplishment in addressing the issue of durable housing for IDPs. This project will help to improve housing, water supply systems, drainage and other works. The Bank is pleased to work closely with the European Union and the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure on this project,” said Asad Alam, Regional Director for the South Caucasus.

For the purpose of jointly monitoring the implementation of the project, the Government has established a Steering Committee composed of the representatives of the European Union, World Bank, MDF, Ministry of Refugees and Accommodation and Ministry for Regional Development and Infrastructure.

Media Contacts
Tamriko Mikadze
Tel : (99532) 94 37 63
Inga Paichadze
Tel : (99532) 91 30 96

