WASHINGTON, November 8, 2018 – The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved the following project: Economic Governance Development Policy Operation (EGDPO) for the Kyrgyz Republic.
IDA Credit: US$ 12 million equivalent
Terms: Maturity = 38 Years, Grace = 6 Years
IDA Grant: US$ 12 million equivalent
Project ID: P163983
Project Description: The Program Development Objective is to support the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in: 1) Strengthening macro-fiscal foundations for growth through reforms aimed at enhancing budget discipline and transparency, and increasing revenue mobilization; 2) Enhancing transparency and anti-corruption in the public sector through measures to improve public sector integrity, including in public procurement, and; 3) Boosting private sector competitiveness through measures to facilitate trade, improve the business environment, and promote greater digital connectivity.