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Amplifying Impacts in the Sahel: A Multi-sector Framework for Tackling FCV in WB Operations 

January 17-February 08, 2024
Virtual Preparatory Sessions and In-Person Workshops

The World Bank Sahel CMU and the Development Impact department have partnered to establish a multi-sectoral program focused on “Trial-and-Adopt” Impact Evaluation (IE) to build evidence on key FCV themes that are relevant across the operations portfolio and enhance the World Bank’s effectiveness in tackling FCV. A cross-cutting theme will be understanding the relationship between development assistance and conflict. The program will be structured around four priority challenges: forced displacement; service delivery continuity and capacity; the social contract and cohesion; and livelihoods and markets.

Event Details

  • Virtual Preparatory Sessions: January 17, 22, and 29, 2024
  • In-person Workshop: February 6-8, 2024