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Get to know 🆔 in the EU - An ID4D Webinar Series

July 15, 2021



  • Join this webinar on the European Commission’s new proposal to create a European Digital Identity Framework under which Member States will offer citizens and businesses digital wallets that will be able to link their national digital identities with proof of other personal attributes (e.g. driving license, diplomas, bank account). The European Commission’s Norbert Sagstetter (TBC) and Bogdan Stefan will present the EC’s proposal on digital identity.

    The webinar will cover:

    ·        The transition from eIDAS to the new European Digital Identity Framework

    ·        Key characteristics of the new European Digital Identity Framework

    ·        The high level architecture for the European Digital Identity wallet

    ·        Citizens’ journey to onboard and use the European Digital Identity

    ·        Key use cases for the European Digital Identity

    ·        Preparatory activities for the European Commission and EU Member States

    ·        Timeline for implementation

    This is the second of a webinar series that the World Bank Group’s ID4D Initiative is hosting a on ID ecosystems around the world. 

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    Norbert SAGSTETTER

    Acting Head of Unit, at the European Commission, eGovernment and Trust Unit (CNECT.H.4)


    Bogdan STEFAN

    Policy Officer contributing to the implementation of the eIDAS Regulation (EU) 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, at the European Commission, eGovernment and Trust Unit (CNECT.H.4)