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Estimating Resource Allocation within Households

November 5, 2019

Washington D.C.


Most poverty measures are based on household-level measures of resources and identify “poor individuals” in accordance with the poverty status of their households – regardless of their age and gender. However, an increasing body of research estimates resource allocation within households and individual poverty by combining structural models of household decision-making with household survey data where at least some parts of consumption can be “assigned” to individuals. 

This event will summarize the results from a joint project between the World Bank and the Institute for Fiscal Studies to operationalize model-based estimates of individual poverty and initiate a discussion on directions for future research. 

Opening Remarks: 

Calogero Carletto, Manager, Development Data Group
Caren Grown, Senior Director, Gender Group
Carolina Sánchez-Páramo, Global Director, Poverty and Equity Global Practice


Pierre-André Chiappori, E. Rowan and Barbara Steinschneider Professor of Economics, Columbia University


Isis Gaddis, Senior Economist, Gender Group
Talip Kilic, Senior Economist, Development Data Group
Krishna Pendakur, Professor of Economics, Simon Fraser University 


Kathleen Beegle, Lead Economist, Gender Group
Francisco H.G. Ferreira, Senior Adviser, Development Research Group
Susan Himmelweit, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Open University 
Valérie Lechene, Associate Professor, University College London


Event Details

  • DATE: NOV 05, 2019
  • TIME: 10:30 AM - 05:00 PM
  • CONTACT: Sandra Karolina Jensson