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Urban planning tools: Collaborative spatial data for sustainable urban development in Indonesia

Indonesian cities are facing fundamental challenges with regards to infrastructure provision, access to public transportation and urban services, and exposure to risks related to natural disasters, among others. As the urban population in Indonesia is expected to increase to more than 82 million urban dwellers by 2050, cities need to plan for coping with the urgency of the present and future challenges.

The goal of this Data Innovation Fund project, “Urban Planning Tools as Agents of Change: Collaborative Spatial Data for Sustainable Urban Development in Indonesia”, was to augment planning and service delivery through systems and tools that facilitate a consultative, inclusive, and efficient process.

Carried out by the World Bank City Planning Labs (CPL) and CAPSUS consulting firm, in support of and consultation with the Government of Indonesia (GoI), the project scaled up two existing Urban Planning Tools (UPTs)1 and developed a new tool aimed at 1) simplifying the process of reviewing local plans and 2) improving the public consultation process for several cities.

One of the two existing UPTs, Urban Hotspots, identifies optimal locations for a specific activity within a city, displaying heat maps of access to urban services and infrastructure. The other existing tool, Urban Performance, assesses the city’s present and future performance by creating multiple growth scenarios that include investment projects, public policies, and land regulations. Finally, the new tool, CollabData, allows multiple stakeholders to collaborate on gathering perspectives from the community in an agile and highly customizable platform.

With the addition of CollabData tool, the team completed a full cycle of data generation, publication, analysis, and dissemination. The tools were tested with data from six Indonesian cities: Balikpapan, Bandung, Banjarmasin, Denpasar, Semarang, and Solo. The team also developed a series of case studies based on demands from the national and local governments.

As a result of the project, local and national governments have appropriated the tools and are using them in multiple contexts, including to address the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, the City of Semarang modified the CollabData tool to map COVID-19 and its socioeconomic impacts at the neighborhood level

Relevant Sustainable Development Goals include: 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 10 (Reduced Inequalities), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and 13 (Climate Action).

Final Report

CollabData One Pager

CollabData Technical Report

CollabData User Manual

Urban Hotspots One Pager

Urban Hotspots Technical Report

Urban Hotspots User Manual

Urban Performance One Pager

Urban Performance Technical Report

Urban Performance User Manual

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