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World Bank Myanmar Monitoring Platform – publications


Myanmar Subnational Phone Surveys (MSPS) : Round 2023-24 Survey Design Technical Note

Populations in Peril : Decoding Patterns of Forced Displacement in Myanmar 

Development Reversed : Poverty and Labor Markets in Myanmar

Myanmar Energy Sector Update : Energy Poverty Amid Plenty

An Update on the Present State of Myanmar’s Transport and Logistic Sector : Supply Chain Disruptions, Thick Borders, and Food Insecurity

Myanmar Firm Surveys Round 17 Presentation - May 2024

Myanmar Firm Surveys Round 17 Technical Report - May 2024

Myanmar Fiscal Monitoring : Myanmar Budget Brief

Myanmar Economic Monitor - June 2024

Micro-finance-Macro-challenges : Identifying and Responding to the Constraints faced by Myanmar Microfinance Institutions

Analysis of Access to Essential Health Services in Myanmar 2021-2023

Availability and Pricing of Essential Medicines in Myanmar : Influencing Factors and Recent Trends

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 16 Presentation - September 2023

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 16 Technical Report - September 2023

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 15 Presentation - April 2023

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 15 Technical Report - April 2023

Myanmar Budget Brief - November 2023

Myanmar Economic Monitor - December 2023

Myanmar - Compounding Food Security Challenges : Agriculture and Food Security Monitoring Report

Resilience Amid Constraints: Myanmar Garment Industry in 2023

In the Dark: Power Sector Challenges in Myanmar, August 2023

Global Rapid Post-Disaster Damage Estimation (GRADE) Report Cyclone Mocha, May 2023

Think Piece: Preventing a Lost Generation of Educational Attainment in Myanmar, State of Education in Myanmar

Myanmar Economic Monitor - June 2023

Myanmar Budget Brief - June 2023

Myanmar Trade and Investment Update: October 2022 - March 2023

Myanmar Subnational Phone Surveys (MSPS)

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 14 Brief - December 2022

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 14 Presentation - December 2022

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 14 Technical Report - December 2022

Myanmar Economic Monitor - January 2023

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 13 Brief - September 2022

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 13 Presentation - September 2022

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 13 Technical Report - September 2022

Myanmar Budget Brief - November 2022

Myanmar Trade and Investment Update - April 2022 - September 2022

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 12 Brief –  June 2022

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 12 Technical Report - June 2022

Myanmar Budget Brief - June 2022

Myanmar Household Surveys: Round 8 Presentation - July 2022

Myanmar Economic Monitor - July 2022

Myanmar Household Surveys: Round 7 Presentation - July 2022

Myanmar Household Surveys: Effects of COVID-19 and coup on poverty in Myanmar, July 2022

Myanmar Financial Sector Reforms : Policy Note, July 2022

Myanmar Food Security and Agriculture Monitoring Brief, July 2022

Myanmar Education Monitoring: Learning in Myanmar:Pre and Post COVID-19, July 2022

Myanmar Trade and Investment Update - October 2021- March 2022, June 2022

Myanmar Trade and Investment Update : FY2021 Review, June 2022

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 11 Brief –  March 2022

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 11 Presentation – March 2022

Myanmar Infrastructure Monitoring: Energy – April 2022

Myanmar Infrastructure Monitoring: Transport and Logistics – April 2022

Myanmar Infrastructure Monitoring: Digital and Telecommunications – April 2022

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 10 Brief – December 2021

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 10 Presentation – December 2021

Myanmar Economic Monitor – January 2022

Myanmar Economic Monitor - January 2022 Executive Summary (Myanmar)

Myanmar Economic Monitor 2017-2022 (Infographics)

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 9 Brief – October 2021

Myanmar Firm Survey Round 9 Presentation – October 2021