Research & Policy Briefs and Blogs

September 1, 2016


Research & Policy Briefs

The research & policy briefs are designed to be a bridge between formal scholarship and development policy and practice. They seek to summarize the key findings of recent formal research on a relevant topic and, on this basis, explore the implications for policy and social debate. This may include a discussion on how policies could be more effectively implemented and assessed, considering a country’s particular context. 







June 2023

Fukuzawa,Daisuke, Islamaj,Ergys, Li,Yusha

World Bank


Assessing the Impact of the March 2023 US and Europe Banking Turmoil on East Asia's Financial Sector


May 2023

Fukuzawa,Daisuke, Islamaj,Ergys, Ruch,Franz Ulrich

World Bank

How Do Rising US Interest Rates Affect Developing East Asian Economies?




Mateo Ambrosio, David Dawe, Ergys Islamaj, Alban Mas Aparisi, Aaditya Mattoo, Aka Kyaw Min Maw, and Animesh Shrivastava

World Bank

From Food Security to Nutrition Security in the East Asia and Pacific Region


Dec 2022

Ergys Islamaj and Agustin Samano

World Bank

Drivers of Public Debt in East Asia and Pacific Economies

59 Dec 2022

Daisuke Fukuzawa and Ergys Islamaj

World Bank Non-financial Corporates in Emerging Market and Developing Economies: Evaluating Liquidity and Solvency Risk
58 Nov 2022 Hector Pollitt, Ergys Islamaj, Rahul Kitchlu, Duong Trung Le, and Aaditya Mattoo World Bank The Road Not Taken?: Responding to the Energy Price Shock in East Asia


Nov 2022

Francesca de Nicola

World Bank

Resource Misallocation and Distortions: Some Evidence from East Asia


May 2022

Undral Batmunkh and Tobias Pfutze

World Bank

Temporary Price Controls as a Second-Best Option to Control Sudden Spikes in the Prices of Basic Necessities


Mar 2022

Young Eun Kim, Tonny Brian Mungai Muthee, Aneesa Arur

World Bank

COVID Vaccination in East Asia and the Pacific: Situations and Constraints


Feb 2022

Lodewijk Smets and Richard Record

World Bank

The Pandemic’s Extensive Reform Agenda: How Can the Development Community Contribute?


Dec 2021

Mahama Samir Bandaogo

World Bank

Why Central Bank Independence Matters


Nov 2021

Yu Cao

World Bank

How Financial Market Development Can Encourage Innovation Activity


Oct 2021

Aneesa Arur, Ergys Islamaj, Young Eun Kim, Duong Trung Le, Aaditya Mattoo, and Aparnaa Somanathan.

World Bank

Managing Long COVID in East Asia and the Pacific


Sept 2021

Tobias Pfutze

World B  ank 

The Role of Existing Social Protection Programs in Alleviating Poverty Caused by Large-Scale Negative Shocks


Aug 2021 

Mamta Murthi and Tristan Reed 

World Bank

Policy Actions to Increase the Supply of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Short Term 


Aug 2021 

Alyssa Farha Jasmin and Amanina Abdur Rahman 

World Bank

Does Elderly Employment Reduce Job Opportunities for Youth? 


May 2021 

Ergys Islamaj, Franz Ulrich Ruch, and Eka Vashakmadze 

World Bank 

Demand and Supply Dynamics in East Asia during the COVID-19 Recession


Apr 2021 

Francesca de Nicola, Aaditya Mattoo, Jonathan Timmis, and Trang Thu Tran 

World Bank 

Productivity in the Time of COVID-19 : Evidence from East Asia and Pacific


Mar 2021 

Pierre Bachas 

World Bank 

Targeting Tax Enforcement Efforts on Larger Firms: A Necessary Distortion?


Mar 2021 

Erhan Artuc 

World Bank 

Distributional Effects of International Trade : Misconceptions about Losses and Gains


Feb 2021 

Tristan Reed, William Waites, David Manheim, Damien De Walque, Chiara Vallini, Roberta Gatti and, Timothy B.Hallett 

World Bank, University of Edinburgh, University of Haifa, World Bank, Boston Consulting Group, World Bank and, Imperial College London 

Five Ways that COVID-19 Diagnostics Can Save Lives: Prioritizing Uses of Tests to Maximize Cost-Effectiveness


Feb 2021 

Facundo Abraham, Juan J. Cortina and Sergio L. Schmukler 

World Bank 

The Boom in Corporate Borrowing after the Global Financial Crisis: Different Tales from East Asia and Latin America


Feb 2021 

Fabien Clavier and Francis Ghesquiere 

World Bank 

Leveraging Digital Solutions to Fight COVID-19 : Lessons from ASEAN Countries


Jan 2021 

Ergys Islamaj, Duong Trung Le, Young Eun Kim 

World Bank 

The Spread of COVID-19 and Policy Responses


Oct 2020 

Sharmila Devadas, Young Eun Kim 

World Bank 

Exploring the Potential of Gender Parity to Promote Economic Growth


Sept 2020 

Norman V. Loayza, Apurva Sanghi, Nurlina Shaharuddin, Lucie Johanna Wuester 

World Bank 

Recovery from the Pandemic Crisis : Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Concerns


Aug 2020 

Stewart Nixon 

Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University & Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya 

Global Integration Is More Important than Ever to Contain the Economic and Health Fallout and Exit the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis


July 2020 

Mahama Samir Bandaogo 

World Bank 

Fiscal Rules in Times of Crisis


May 2020 

Norman V. Loayza 

World Bank 

Costs and Trade-Offs in the Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Developing Country Perspective

Video | Slides


May 2020 

Daniel Garrote Sanchez, Nicolas Gomez Parra, Caglar Ozden, and Bob Rijkers. 

World Bank 

Which Jobs Are Most Vulnerable to COVID-19? What an Analysis of the European Union Reveals


May 2020 

Achim D. Schmillen 

World Bank 

Causes and Impacts of Job Displacements and Public Policy Responses


May 2020 

Stuti Khemani 

World Bank 

An Opportunity to Build Legitimacy and Trust in Public Institutions in the Time of COVID-19


Apr 2020 

Fabian Mendez Ramos 

World Bank 

Sudden Influxes of Resource Wealth to the Economy : Avoiding "Dutch Disease"


Apr 2020 

Tatiana Didier, Federico Huneeus, Mauricio Larrain, Sergio L. Schmukler 

World Bank; Yale University and Central Bank of Chile; Catholic University of Chile; World Bank 

Financing Firms in Hibernation during the COVID-19 Pandemic


Apr 2020 

Damien B. C. M. De Walque, Jed Friedman, Roberta V. Gatti, Aaditya Mattoo 

World Bank 

How Two Tests Can Help Contain COVID-19 and Revive the Economy


Mar 2020 

Norman V. Loayza, Steven Michael Pennings 

World Bank 

Macroeconomic Policy in the Time of COVID-19 : A Primer for Developing Countries

Presentation Slides | Event Materials (Development Policy and Covid-19 eSeminar Series) | Policy Summary


Jan 2020 

Lay Lian Chuah, Norman V. Loayza, Bernard Myers 

World Bank 

The Fight against Corruption: Taming Tigers and Swatting Flies


Nov 2019 

Facundo Abraham, Sergio L. Schmukler, José Tessada 

World Bank, World Bank, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 

Using Big Data to Expand Financial Services: Benefits and Risks 


Oct 2019 

J.P. Singh 

George Mason University 

How Do Cultural Differences Affect Trade Reciprocity between Developed and Developing Countries?


Jul 2019 

Pedro M. G. Martins 

World Bank 

Structural Change Rediscovered: The Role of Human and Physical Capital


Jun 2019 

Facundo Abraham, Sergio L. Schmukler, José Tessada 

World Bank, World Bank, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 

Financial Innovation and Additionality: The Power of Economic Analysis and Data Analytics


Jun 2019 

Shahridan Faiez, Vijayendra Rao 

Think City, World Bank 

Improving Governance through Enhanced Citizen Engagement: The Case of Malaysia


Feb 2019 

Facundo Abraham, Sergio L. Schmukler, José Tessada 

World Bank, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 

Robo-Advisors: Investing through Machines


Dec 2018 

Norman Loayza 

World Bank 

Informality: Why Is It So Widespread and How Can It Be Reduced? 


Nov 2018 

Ayhan Kose, Lieselotte Franziska Ohnsorge, Naotaka Sugawara 

World Bank 

Fiscal Space: Concept, Measurement, and Policy Implications


Oct 2018 

Juan J. Cortina, Tatiana Didier, and Sergio L. Schmukler 

World Bank 

Corporate Borrowing in Emerging Markets: Fairly Long Term, But Only for a Few


Oct 2018 

Sharmila Devadas, Norman Loayza 

World Bank 

When Is a Current Account Deficit Bad?


Aug 2018 

Lay Lian Chuah, Norman V. Loayza, and Achim D. Schmillen 

World Bank 

The Future of Work: Race with—not against—the Machine


May 2018 

Ruth Llovet Montanes, 
Sergio L. Schmukler 

World Bank 

Financial Integration in East Asia and Pacific: Regional and Interregional Linkages


Apr 2018 

Juan J. Cortina, 
Sergio L. Schmukler 

World Bank 

The Fintech Revolution: A Threat to Global Banking?


Mar 2018 

Young Eun Kim, Norman Loayza  

World Bank 

The Drive toward Universal Health Coverage


Feb 2018 

Dorina Georgieva, Norman Loayza, and Fabian Mendez-Ramos 

World Bank 

Global Trade: Slowdown, Factors, and Policies


Nov 2017 

Facundo Abraham, 
Sergio L. Schmukler 

World Bank 

Are Public Credit Guarantees Worth the Hype?


Oct 2017 

Facundo Abraham, 
Sergio L. Schmukler 

World Bank 

A New Role for Development Banks?

Oct 2017 

Facundo Abraham, 
Sergio L. Schmukler 

World Bank 

Addressing the SME Finance Problem

Jul 2017 

Michael Woolcock 

World Bank 

Enhancing the Quality of Public Service Delivery: Insights from Recent Research

May 2017 

Lay Lian Chuah, 
Norman Loayza 

World Bank 

Open Data: Differences and Implications across Countries

Mar 2017 

Sharmila Devadas 

World Bank 

Threat or Help? The Effects of Unskilled Immigrant Workers on National Productivity Growth

Jan 2017 

Fabian Mendez-Ramos, 
Nina Paustian 

World Bank 

Measurement and Patterns of World Agribusiness Trade

Oct 2016 

Norman Loayza, 
Fabian Mendez-Ramos 

World Bank 

Should We Fear Foreign Exchange Depreciation?

Aug 2016 

Young Eun Kim, Norman Loayza, Claudia Meza-Cuadra 

World Bank     

Productivity as a Key to Economic Growth and Development

Mar 2016 

Raian Divanbeigi, Nina Paustian, Norman Loayza 

World Bank 

Structural Transformation of the Agricultural Sector: a Primer

Mar 2016 

Greg Larson, Norman Loayza, Michael Woolcock 

World Bank 

The Middle-Income Trap: Myth or Reality?


Blogs, aimed at a wide audience, are used to communicate the main messages and outcomes from research and to discuss topical areas of current debate.




Feb 23, 2021

Norman Loayza & Tea Tumbric

Women, Business and the Law 2021: Women´s economic empowerment is critical to resilient recovery efforts

May 6, 2020

Norman Loayza

Aid effectiveness during the COVID-19 pandemic: This time it must be better

Apr 7, 2020

Norman Loayza

Smart Containment and Mitigation Measures to Confront the COVID-19 Pandemic: Tailoring the Pandemic Response to the Realities of Poor and Developing Countries

Mar 5, 2020

Norman Loayza & Michael Woolcock

Designing good policies is one thing, implementing them is another

Jun 4, 2019

Fabian Mendez-Ramos

Uncertainty in Ending Extreme Poverty

Feb 12, 2019

Inci Otker

Building A More Resilient Caribbean to Natural Disasters and Climate Change

Jan 16, 2019

Carlos Végh, with Guillermo Vuletin and Daniel Riera-Crichton

On Risk and Black Swans in Developing Countries

Jan 10, 2019

Vijayendra Rao, with Paromita Sanyal 

Oral Democracy

Dec 10, 2018

Lay Lian Chuah, Norman V. Loayza, and Achim D. Schmillen

The Future of Work: Race with – not against – the Machine

Nov 28, 2018

Stéphane Hallegatte, with Brian Walsh and Jun Erik Rentschler

From Risk to Opportunity: Expanding the Risk Management Toolbox to Build More Resilient Societies

Nov 23, 2018

Norman Loayza

¿Cómo manejar una crisis?

Oct 25, 2018

Norman Loayza

The Winter is Coming: Crisis Management Should Be Prepared Before a Crisis Strikes, Not in the Midst of It

Jun 29, 2017

Norman Loayza

Industrial Policies Versus Public Goods to Spur Growth

May 24, 2017

Sharmila Devadas

Should a Country Limit Unskilled Immigrant Workers to Safeguard National Productivity Growth?

May 2, 2017

Ruth Llovet Montanes, with Tatiana Didier and Sergio L. Schmukler

Asia’s Financial Connections with the Rest of the World: Changing Patterns

Feb 23, 2017

Fabian Mendez Ramos, with Nina Paustian

Agribusiness Trade as a Pillar of Development: Measurement and Patterns

Jul 25, 2016

Norman Loayza

How to Defeat Terrorism: Intelligence, Integration and Development

Jul 20, 2016

World Bank 
Feature Story

New Study Reveals the Complexity of the Informal Sector

Jul 20, 2016

Michael Woolcock

Using Case Studies to Explore and Explain Complex Interventions

Jun 2, 2016

Norman Loayza, with Jamele Rigolini

Do Local Communities Benefit from Mining?

May 26, 2016

Michael Woolcock

Policy-Practice Mismatches: Insights from Indigenous Affairs

Dec 22, 2015

Michael Woolcock

Beyond the Quest for "Policy Implications": Alternative Options for Applied Development Researchers
