
Central America: Partners for Results


World Bank drives development and progress in Central America

  • The Bank is involved in a whole range of projects, from nutrition programs to crime prevention.
  • Also serves as meeting ground for many players to help countries tackle difficult issues.
  • This publication highlights some of the most noteworthy activities in the region between June 2012 and March 2013.

Most people believe the World Bank is merely about loans. The truth is the Bank is more. Much more.

The Bank is a source of unequaled expertise on how to help countries get ahead. In Central America, teams of our specialists help prepare, implement and finance projects from infrastructure (road construction) to innovation (in education, public administration and much more). These teams are made up of committed individuals  who have a passion for helping solve the complex problems that afflict our region.

Today, the Bank is involved in a wide range of projects from improving nutrition programs, "greeninG" growth, crime prevention, anti-corruption efforts, as well as improving tax and expenditure policies.

The World Bank also serves as a meerting ground, bringing together diverse players to help countries tackle difficult issues. Over the past six months we have convened workshops and conferences to adress citizen security, growth, competitiviness and logistics in the region. These events bring to the table people from the public and private sectors, civil society, academia, local governments and from countries around the globe with similar experiences.

This publication highlights some of the most noteworthy activities of the World Bank in Central America between June 2012 and March 2013. The selection focuses almost exxclusively on activities that are not loans, in order to showcase the less visible ways that our staff contributes to the development of Central America.

For more information on the activities included in this publication, and on the Bank's work in Central America, please visit

C. Felipe Jaramillo, World Bank Director for Central America


Crime and violence exact a heavy social and economic toll on countries and communities. Governments, citizens and the private sector pay a huge price for this. Law enforcement, security and health care costs amount to almost 8 percent of Central America’s GDP –or around US$20 billion.
