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Development Impact Group

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Development Impact at a Glance

The Development Impact Group of the World Bank’s Development Economics Vice-Presidency (DEC) generates high-quality and operationally relevant data and research to transform development policy, help reduce extreme poverty, and secure shared prosperity. It develops customized data and evidence ecosystems to produce actionable information and recommend specific policy pathways to maximize impact.

The work is based on a co-production model aimed at transferring capacity and know-how to partners to make mid-course corrections and scale-up successful policy instruments to achieve policy outcomes. These corrections yield substantial returns on investments, vastly outweighing research costs.  Spanning across more than 60 countries, the Development Impact Group has conducted over 200 impact evaluations, shaping $26B in development finance, and provided advisory services to over 30 multilateral and bilateral agencies.  

Beyond research, the Development Impact Group's commitment extends to investing in public goods to enhance the quality and reproducibility of global development research. From DIME Wiki, toolkits, training programs and summer schools, the Development Impact Group is servicing the global community of researchers and, in so doing, improving the quality of global policy advice. 

  • New DIME Logo: Text DIME, Driving Global Impact