Women, Business and the Law (WBL) data is available for the period from 1971 to 2023 (calendar years 1970 to 2022). By developing a time series and further researching the interaction between inequality of opportunity for women and labor market dynamics, Women, Business and the Law strengthens insights into how women’s employment and entrepreneurship are affected by legal gender discrimination, and in turn how this affects economic outcomes.
Our datasets
Visualize 50 Years of Gender Data
Visualize Data from 18,000 Firms in 154 Countries
World Bank Enterprise Surveys offer an expansive array of economic data on 180,000 firms in 154 countries. The data is presented in a variety of ways useful to researchers, policy makers, journalists, and others. Note that data users should exercise caution when comparing raw data and point estimates between surveys that did and did not adhere to the Enterprise Surveys Global Methodology.
Type of data available:
Percent of firms competing against unregistered or informal firms

Economies have implemented over 1500 reforms across all Women, Business and the Law indicators since 1971.