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Development Data Group

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Key Data Products and Services




  • ATLAS of Sustainable Development Goals 2023

    The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals is a visual resource showcasing the role of data in achieving the SDGs and highlighting the areas where data gaps negatively impact progress.

  • Data Catalog logo

    The Data Catalog is the World Bank’s official one-stop shop for the latest development data. Making high-impact data easy to access and use helps us deliver better results and improve life for the poorest and most vulnerable.

  • Data Use and Literacy Program logo

    The Data Use and Literacy Program works to build capacity for data literacy and data use, enable data-driven decision-making, and democratize participation in the data revolution across low- and middle-income countries.

  • DataBank logo

    The DataBank provides services to organize and structure data, automate data processing, detect anomalies, standardize codes, identifiers and aggregates, and disseminate data following internal and international best practices.

  • DDP logo

    The Development Data Partnership is a partnership between international organizations and companies, created to facilitate the use of third-party data in research and international development.

  • 50x2030 Initiative logo

    The 50x2030 Initiative to close the agricultural data gap is a multi-partner program that seeks to bridge the global agricultural data gap by transforming country data systems in 50 countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America by 2030.

  • Food Prices for Nutrition logo with people

    The Food Prices for Nutrition DataHub provides access to global statistics on the cost and affordability of healthy diets and related indicators.

  • Gender Data Portal logo

    The World Bank's Gender Data Portal makes the latest gender statistics accessible through compelling narratives and data visualizations to improve the understanding of gender data and facilitate analyses that inform policy choices.

  • Blue globe with data image with Global Data Facility logo

    The Global Data Facility (GDF) is an innovative global funding instrument that enables long-term support and durable transformation of data systems and data capital in low- and middle-income countries to improve lives and safeguard the planet.

  • Microdata Library logo

    The Microdata Library shares data collected by the World Bank and other international, regional and national organizations through sample surveys of households, business establishments, or other facilities.  

  • The Open Data Portal makes all the World Bank's open data resources easy to find, download, and use.

    The Open Data Site makes all the World Bank's open data resources—presently including more than 4,000 datasets and 20,000 indicators, encompassing microdata, time series statistics, and geospatial data—easy to find, download, and use.

  • Poverty and Inequality Platform logo

    The Poverty & Inequality Platform (PIP) is a powerful source for country-specific, cross-country, and global information, including for monitoring the SDGs on poverty (SDG1) and inequality (SDG10).  

  • ICP VC cover with three pages
    A Visual Guide to Using Data from the International Comparison Program

    This guide provides an overview of how PPPs, price levels and other ICP results enable a wealth of indicators that allow users to measure the effectiveness of current domestic policies, compare themselves with other economies, and track development and progress over time.

  • World Development Indicators

    The World Development Indicators (WDI) is a compilation of relevant, high-quality, and internationally comparable statistics about global development and the fight against poverty.

  • WITS logo

    The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) software provides access to international merchandise trade, tariff and non-tariff measures (NTM) data.


VIDEO: Advancing Gender Equality through Household Surveys: Living Standards Measurement Study–Plus (LSMS+)

VIDEO: Data Literacy for All: Using Data to Tackle Challenges, Improve Lives, and Safeguard our Planet

VIDEO: Development Data Partnership

VIDEO: From Local Prices to the Global Economy: How Data from the International Comparison Program Help Us Understand Our World Today

VIDEO: Increasing the Use of Data for Prosperous Nepal

VIDEO: Putting Mobile Phone Data to Work for Development