Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation
Competitiveness for Jobs and Economic Transformation (CJET)
C-JET is an umbrella trust fund, administered by the World Bank, that helps foster the economic transformation needed to enable better jobs for more women and men, sustainably and at scale.
Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
Develops innovative solutions through practical research and active engagement with financial service providers, policy makers, and funders to enable approaches at scale to advance financial inclusion.
Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (DRFI)
Seeks to develop and implement comprehensive financial protection strategies to improve the financial resilience of governments, businesses, and households against natural disasters.
Finance for Development (F4D) Umbrella Program
Finance for Development (F4D) Umbrella Program is the World Bank’s key donor financing, partnership and knowledge platform aimed to developing deep, inclusive and resilient financial systems in developing countries.
Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)
Provides a comprehensive framework through which assessors and authorities in participating countries can identify financial system vulnerabilities and develop appropriate policy responses.
Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR)
Works with developing countries and financial centers to prevent the laundering of the proceeds of corruption and to facilitate more systematic and timely return of stolen assets.
Global Directors
Jean PesmeGlobal Director of Finance
Mona HaddadGlobal Director for Trade, Investment and Competitiveness