Florence manages DIME’s unit on Economic Transformation & Growth. She joined the World Bank as a Young Professional and received a magistere in economics from the Paris School of Economics, a PhD in economics from the University of London, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Her main interests are in development, labor, conflict and agricultural economics. She founded and leads the Bank’s impact evaluation program in Agricultural Adaptations (AADAPT), which she runs in close collaboration with researchers and practitioners across a large number of donor institutions, governments, NGOs, and academic institutions. More recently, she started DIME Analytics to help generate and curate more, better data for impact evaluation. She is currently running experiments in the fields of agriculture, justice, infrastructure and transport, and natural resource management.
Increasing agricultural productivity will be critical to lifting rural households out of poverty. In this talk, Florence Kondylis featured impact evaluations of agriculture projects in Sub-Saharan Africa that are uncovering new ways to boost productivity and catalyze a rural transformation.
The gender knowledge agenda assesses interventions that are most effective in reducing gender gaps in four key areas: (i) human capital, (ii) economic productivity, (iii) access to finance, and (iv) empowerment.
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